Alarm and Suspicion

587 53 13

Oliver's POV

When I wake up in the morning, I feel rested even if I did just sleep three hours past what I had been hoping for.

I stretch my limbs before opening my eyes, the supernatural vision automatically adjusting to the light in the room. And when I look around I frown once I realize that Elijah isn't around anymore.

The chilling thought that hes ran away, though completely irrational, causes me to get out of bed quickly, ignoring Peter stretched out by the fire.

I enter the hallway and walk through it at a normal pace, not knowing where Elijah is but telling sounds from the front of the home let's me know where he is and I breath a sigh of relief knowing that he hasn't left.

At least not yet.

I push aside the intrusive thoughts and instead continue my way towards the kitchen, entering the living room with a slight smile on my face from the smell of food.

When I turn the corner, I find Elijah eating what looks like a grilled cheese sandwich while sitting down in the island.

"Good morning." I tell him, watching the way his quaint body movies as the lights from outside adorns his slightly feminine features. He jumps a little before turning to face me with a strange smile.

"Good morning." He says and I frown, noticing that something is different about him. Being unable to place it I try to settle my mind by claiming that it's nothing before I turn my head and walk towards the living room in hopes of finding some music to play to ease my mind and maybe do some cleaning today.

I straighten up the things in the table and turn to take care of the couch when I see what's on it.

My breath stalls in my throat as I notice the journal of mine sitting there as if it's no where out of place.

I feel my body tense up as I try to make it seem like I don't care but my whole world is trying to collapse on my mind as I turn and place the journal on the table and curse myself for giving no Elijah access to my library without considering what was in it.

There is no guilty party other than myself.

I continue cleaning, though the mood in the room continues to get more and more tense, and I keep waiting for any accusations or anything regarding the best kept secret I've kept for the majority of my life from humans and my own kind alike.

But nothing comes.

There is no accusations, no arguments not even a question that is thrown my way, and the silence had me ready to tear the hair out of my head in frustration and worry.

I had meant to keep this way from him.

I didn't want to have to have this conversation.

And maybe in a way I am being a bit selfish in this manner, but I don't want to have to give him a choice, only for him to chose the one that would end up in me hurting by his hand.

But alas, it appears as if I no longer have control over the manner or situation and it's all up to Elijah on how he wants to play this out.

And perhaps, I am imagining it. Maybe he only have picked up the journal and hasn't gotten a chance to browse the pages and secrets written along the lines. Maybe he read it and didn't make the connection that I wasn't named after the man in the journal writing about the life he's forced to bare as an original, but that I am him.

I am woefully aware that I am grasping at straws wanting any explanation other than the one I have over why Elijah and what the silence could mean.

And still, he says nothing.

I let my ears tell me what he's doing as I continue to distractedly clean up the living room as well as the hallway next to it, trying to keep my brain busy though it still continues to think and over think every possible outcome.

I know that he's eating, though a lot slower than I think he usually does and I would bet my whole castle that he's watching me. And the thought is purely unsettling.

In fact, the truth of the matter is, I have never been so flustered as I am in this moment and I have decided that I don't like it one bit.

Just as I finish cleaning all that I can and go to face the small human sitting on the island, Elijah speaks up. "Are you hungry. I tried to wait for you but you slept longer than I though." He asks me and I try to think if there is any special meaning behind his words but I can find one.

"I could eat." I answer him

The worst part about this whole ordeal is that I can't lie. I am a terrible liar and it goes against my morals to tell a blatant lie especially to a direct question. My only hope and defense is to use loopholes and hope that he doesn't ask me straight forward questions.

I set down the rag I was using on the living room table and make my way back towards the kitchen, finding a sandwich waiting for me on the counter. I turn around the sit at the island and wait for the questioning to begin.

Why do you guys think is going on through Elijah's head? what do you think is going to happen next. Are you guys excited for thanksgiving?



QOTD: What is your favorite part of winter?

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