32. The End of Damnation

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You guys should check out my new fan fiction. Ashes to Ashes it's a Fate: The winx saga story. Riven x oc

Two months later.....

   "Why are we keeping her locked away ?" Jackson asks the council who look at him with blank expressions before the moon goddess herself rises to her feet. "It's just a precaution Alpha Jackson, your mates soul has just returned back to her body. That can leave scars we just want to make sure she doesn't fall to darkness. Her soul in fact will be forever tainted." She replies while Jackson grows angry. "She hasn't been allowed to see her son since his birth. Allow her to see her child and free her from the cells that confine her." He shouts slamming his fist on the table cracking the wood slightly. "How are you so sure she won't go back to how she was and finish her race off ?" Another Alpha questions while Jackson looks over to him. "Alpha Kole I hope you realize I was at a disadvantage, I knew nothing of the curse until it was brought to my attention but then I was to late." Jackson says before looking back to the moon goddess. "Please cleanse her soul and free her I know you can." He pleads her softly while she just looks at him sadly. "She is out of my control, it's up to her if she wants to achieve her normal self again." She says before standing up and opening a portal. "She remains to be locked away until she is trialed for her actions." The moon goddess says while Jackson growls standing up. "She wasn't at fault the faerie queen was and you have no one to blame but that bitch but she's dead so free my mate !" He says.

The moon goddess sighs softly before looking at the council of Alpha wolves. "Fine she is to be freed but watch her at all times."

"Especially your son." The moon goddess whispers in his mind only to him before she disappears.


Jackson walks up to the cell holding his mate. Looking up she sees him and stands up before slowly walking to him. "I'm able to let you go now." He says while she nods watching him unlock the cell. Walking past him she ignores him and heads up to the bedroom she smells her son in. Opening the door she smiles and walks over to her child's sleeping form. Reaching down the back of her hand skims his face softly while she grasps his little hand in her own. He awakens looking up at her and she smiles picking him up while he begins to cry.

"Little bird, don't be scared spread your wings and fly."

"It's okay, I'm here to stay, right here by your side."

"It's just you and me soaring above the clouds."

"So spread your wings, just for me, soar across the world."

I sing softly to him while I let him nurse. Smiling at him I look over to Jackson who has been standing in the doorframe this whole time. "Hello Jackson." I whisper before looking down at our son. "Has he a name ?" I ask while Jackson says no slowly walking over to where we're sitting in a rocking chair. "How about Carter ?" Jackson asks and I look up to him and smile. "I like that name." I say before looking back down to my son. Looking out to the night sky I hum while continuing to rock Carter to sleep.

After laying Carter back in his crib I walk out following Jackson to his room next door to Carter's room. Striping myself of my clothes I ignore Jackson and head for the shower. Letting the hot water soak my hair and warm up my skin. I allow the water to wash away the blood that stains my skin. I've had shower after shower but I still feel sticky and heavy as if all the blood is still caked to my clean skin. I allow the tears to fall in the shower only in the shower. Where no one will know the demons I have inside, the ones I still face after the tragedy I caused. Hearing the glass door to the shower open I look back seeing Jackson stepping in behind me. Closing the glass door he comes to me and I allow him to pull me to him. Soaking us both the water cascades over us while he holds me. Breaking down I cry for all the pain, the screams, and death Ive caused. Jackson just pulls me closer to him before pulling me away from the water. "It's over Amelia you're safe now." He says while I hit against his chest. "It's not over I'm not safe, they're out for my blood, my child won't have a mom. I can't live knowing I was the cause of so much death." I say while he grabs my hands looking down at me before cupping my cheeks with his hands. "You're not going anywhere, don't think like that your son needs you—I need you Amelia." He says breaking down. "I felt so useless, unable to save you and it was my job to do so, I fucked up rejecting you when all you needed was someone to take care of you, protect you." He says while I grasp his biceps softly. "If they seek the death penalty I'll take it." I say in turn causes his face to grow angry then sad. "I will fight for you." He says determinedly and I can't help but smile sadly. "Why fight for something that's already lost ?" With that I step past him and get out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body. Feeling his presence behind me I Yelp as I'm thrown over his shoulder. "Jackson !" I shout while he grunts before throwing me on his bed. "I'm wet." I say while he smiles at me. "I don't care just forget about it for now and allow me to touch you again and hold you, cherish you, please." He says leaning over me on the bed. Looking up at him I sigh before sitting up touching his cheek. "Okay." I whisper before he kisses me.

Thank you guys for following with this until the very end ! I'm so happy to have finally finished this book. The next part will begin in December. So be on the lookout. I will post an update on here when the first couple of chapters are published.


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