x. caution amidst merriment

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HAPPINESS. One word, different meaning. Every person in this world has something that makes them happy. The giddiness that they'd feel whenever they get something they want. Smiles curving into their faces as they see something that is pleasing to them. Obvious sparkles on their eyes as they find something good to invest their time in.

Human beings aren't the only species to ever experience happiness, even animals can. The joy that they'd feel whenever they were given a treat or the giddiness they'd feel when thet were rewarded because they were being good. Boy was an example of this. Despite not being given those dog treats from before, he was still happy. He wasn't happy because he was given food, the reason he was happy was because his new found owners have finally made peace with each other.

People sometimes underestimate animals and their capacities to feel. But like them, they also had feelings too. Boy has never been this happy since the last time that he was with his previous unknown owner. It was precious to see the smiles on his owners faces as they were back on speaking terms.

Golds. Crowns. Riches. Those things didn't matter to Aurora. She was never the one to boast things that she had. All her life, she was taught only good things. Her parents raised her to be contented of what she had but also to have a space of improvement in her.

Well, especially in the circumstances today, money wouldn't be a problem anymore. It was just a bunch of people trying to find places that they could stay at and hunt for food. Happiness wasn't a stranger to her. Perhaps she was even a hostage to her own happiness. By this time, she already knew what it was and just accepted it. Her happiness was Joel and she wouldn't even try to deny it.

Speaking of the boy. The lot of them were now walking, occasionally having small talks here and there. It was a good feeling to finally end that awkward silence and just talk nonstop to someone you've been with this whole journey.

The place they were in had an eerie vibe to it. Mist blanketing the whole place, creating a mysterious aura towards it. Aurora's guts was screaming something at her but she was so keen on having a conversation with Joel that she still hasn't put much thought to it. And that was the biggest mistake that she has ever made that she would soon regret.

“Hey, come on,” Joel called out to Boy when he saw that the dog wasn't walking with them. “We gotta keep moving. I know, lot of creepy stuff. Creepy boats.”

Aurora stopped in front of a triangular sign that had a figure swimming in the water with a slash on it. Right then and there, the screams of warning from her guts were getting more and more audible. She gulped slightly and clenched her jaw.

“Kind of a creepy sign, but . . ,” Joel trailed off, his voice getting smaller on the end. “Nothing we haven't seen before. Just gotta be brave.”

The sound of a small whimper made the two of them stop and looked to see Boy being all frantic and panicky. And as Joel tried to ask why the dog was being like that, Aurora felt the hairs behind her neck rise. She felt alert and looked around, surveying the area on what was making her feel goosebumps.

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