How To Survive Being In Hufflepuff

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Ha you're in Hufflepuff which isn't as cool as Gryffindor which is AWESOME (like me) but isn't as bad as Slytherin. (Whoo)

My Ginger headed side kick and I have decided to help make school much more exciting for you boring Hufflepuffers .

Things To Make Your Life More Interesting

1. Watch me Harry Potter do awesome things. (Like whipping my hair back and forth, swish swish)

2. Find me the Half-Blood Prince potions book in the room of lost things.

3. Find the Resurrection stone for me.

4. Give Hagrid a bath (much appreciated)

5. When Fawkes turns to ashes, hide bits of the ashes all over Hogwarts and see what happens

6. Defeat Voldemort (again, much appreciated)

7. Confuse Hermione 

8. Call Ron a fat ginger

9. Take Fluffy for a walk

10. Practice Parseltongue, become an illegal Animagus or make fun of house elves

P.S If you want to take Neville from Gryffindor that would be great, he doesn't do much. Except looks at plants a lot. What a loser.

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-Harry (a.k.a Awesome Ruler of All) and Gingy (a.k.a Ron)

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