Chapter 5: Points of View

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Jisoo and Jennie have different points of view on the evening. Or do they?


Jennie stood in the area of the gallery that held her small exhibition. She looked at her own photos but her thoughts were elsewhere. She had a smile on her face, although she couldn't tell why.

"If I didn't know you better, I'd say you had fun tonight."

The brunette was brought back from her thoughts by Irene, who stood by the doorway holding a glass of wine.

"And why would that be such a surprise?" Jennie asked, mockingly.

"Because you're allergic to fun." Irene teased. "What did I miss?"

"Not much. Kim Jisoo was here."

"Was she now? Did you break anything of hers this time?" Irene took a few steps inside the room and leaned against a wall.

Jennie pressed her eyes at her friend's joke.

"No. I did, however, spill red wine onto her white top. But at least this time it was not entirely my fault. She collided with me while looking at her phone."

Any shook her head while she laughed.

"Well, if she didn't dislike you enough yet, I guess now you've sealed the deal. Cheers to that." The woman raised her glass.

"Very funny, Irene. But actually, you are wrong. She did want to leave at first, yes, but I convinced her to come upstairs with me to change and..."

"You took her to the loft?"

The brunette opened her eyes wide with the interruption.

"You actually took a human being other than me into your house?" Irene asked, perplexed.

"Well, I couldn't just let her leave with wine all over her."

"Yes, you could. I am glad you didn't though. She is cute!"

"Don't be daft, Irene. I was only trying to help her."

Jennie felt slightly angry for having to explain herself to Irene. Her friend knew exactly how to pick on her.

"Right... What happened up there?" Irene kept pushing.

"Nothing happened. She was blatantly uncomfortable so I tried to make conversation. She said she liked Mino's work so I introduced them. And then she was leaving but..."

Jennie stopped herself and got back to the moment when Jisoo walked back to speak to her.

"But what? Spill it out!"

"She came back. It was really unexpected. She introduced herself to me as if we were meeting for the first time. Then she apologised. She said she was fucked up. And that she wanted to start over."

"Looks like your wooing techniques are not so bad after all, hey?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Irene." Jennie felt her anger grow bigger at Irene's persistence.

"That girl is cute, why don't you just have some fun?"

The brunette sighed and turned her back, walking towards the door.

"I don't have time for this."

She watched as Irene rushed towards her and stood on her way.

"Jennie, all you do is work. Either with your camera or in this gallery. You don't have any friends other than me. You have to give yourself a break, kiddo."

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