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"MA, OPEN THE DOOR FOR ME." She says into her phone after getting all the stuff from the mall off her backseat before walking the brownstone that was near the United Center.

"You was with Adonis?" Her mom asks as she walks into the house sitting the bags down and taking off her jacket. "You can't even say hi?" Corinne asks, avoiding her question.

"Is that Corinne?" She hears a southern accent ask.

"Yeah, she just coming home from basketball practice," Coriah says.

"Hey, y'all," Corinne says walking into the living room of the house. "Oh my, you have gotten so big." Her cousin says. Corinne smiles at her, just waiting for her mother's mouth to start.

"Stink!" She says to get her nephew's attention who was playing with his toy. "You was with Adonis?" Coriah asks. Corinne nods her head.

"So that's why you smell like weed?" Coriah asks while her son stares at his aunt in awe.

"You missed me?" Corinne asks, making him start screaming and reaching for her. "I asked you a question," Coriah says.

"Yeah, you know I don't smoke. It just got on my clothes, I guess." She tells her, while picking up the little boy.

"Cobi." She says as he lays his head on her chest. He picks his head back up, smiling at her.

"I got you something," Corinne says, walking with him to pick up the bag. They sit on the loveseat in the living room and he tries to open the bag.

"What you get him?" Her cousin Janice asks looking at them with her sister Jade, her mom Alexis, and Coriah. "Some clothes," Corinne says, pulling out the different outfits. "When you get these?"

"I went to the mall with D," Corinne says passing the bag to her sister. "So you tete goals, huh?" Jade asks. "Period," Corinne says. "You better treat my baby like that," Jade tells Janice. "You don't even know how many months you are. Girl bye."

"I'm finna go get some water. Y'all want something?" She asks. "I'm good." was told to her in different variations. She goes in the kitchen with her nephew on her hip grabbing a cup and the Brita from the fridge. She starts pouring it when her mom yells, "Adonis calling you."

"Here I come," Corinne says putting the water pitcher back up. "Hello?" She answers the phone, going back into the kitchen to get her water. "What did I say do when you got home?" He asks.

"I know I ain't text you like I was supposed to but you can still say hi." She tells him, grabbing her cup and sitting at the table that was in the kitchen. She sits her nephew on the table and lays his head on her shoulder rubbing his back as she talks to Demon.

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