Wake up Call and Preparing

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It was quiet, very quiet, in fact it was too quiet in the dark bedroom. Not a sound was heard, no loud noises can be heard for miles from the dark room. No yelling, screaming and definitely no explosions were heard as well.

Just peace and quiet within the darkness, no enemy's to fight. No armys' to be taken down and definitely no light to Obliterate the darkness surround the room...

Except a small flick coming from a Ruby with a few specks of fur surrounding it like it was attach to something, gave off a low quiet humming sound with it slowly rising up and down.

It was the only sound heard in the dark bedroom and it certainly had a soothing tone to it. Along with the light too, it gave a small flicker of hope to light up the darkness surrounding the bedroom.


A loud alarm blared through the dark bedroom follow by a groan and a crack of something being smash in the darkness.

"Damn clock, thought I set it to the radio setting when it goes off" a tired male voice grunted in the darkness followed by a yawn.

A dark figure rose up from the darkness and threw its feet over the side of the bed letting out a sigh as it clutch its head. It stretch its body while the ruby gave off a quiet hum. Another sigh escape his lips before looking over his shoulders at something in the darkness then back at the alarm clock he smash.

It still work, just the covering was cracked and the clock read six a.m.

"Gotta get that repair later...again...oh boy"

He put a soft hand over his muzzle and strokes it before patting the Ruby attach to his chest, a soft smile forms on his muzzle.

"Wouldn't have survive without the Phantom Ruby bonded to me" he thought to himself before stretching again and getting up off the bed "Well, might as well get up and start the day, 'We' have a big day plan today"

He navigates through the darkness being careful not to trip over anything since it was pitch black in the bedroom he was staying in.

The sound of a couple doors sliding open are heard as he proceeds inside with the doors closing behind him and a light turning on by itself.

When the light turn on, the figure shields his eyes, proceeds over to a shower in the corner, turning the water onto hot and also turning on a radio embedded in the wall next to the shower as he steps in and the door closes.

The hot water hitting along his black fur sting abit but he didn't care, he love taking hot showers for it clear his mind and wash away all the stress in him.

He let his white hair get completely soak up with the hot water along with his black bushy tail with some white at the end of his tail. It felt so relaxing and calm.

Even the bathroom itself began to steam up a lot from the hot water, making it all misty inside. It was so misty not a thing could be seen.

"This is the life I've wanted, the life i need and the life I want it to be" the Jackal thought to himself gently patting the Ruby on his chest and closing his eyes listening to the radio.

"And in other news today, it has been eight monthes since Möbius was freed from the clutches of the Eggman Empire all thanks to Sonic, the Resistance and G.U.N"

A smirk form on his muzzle and he gave a quiet chuckle listening to the radio since he didn't care what they reported.

"The world has come together to help rebuilt what was destroyed during the 'War' and there still hasn't been any sign of Eggman since his defeat at his 'Fortress'"

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