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"Switch to Manuel Control"

"All Targets are lock on and ready for Launch"

"Every single Silo is open and Ready"


The Big red button is push and Alarms sound throughout the Base.

At last the time to wake up has come.


Out in the distance of the mountains, snow fell to the ground making a nice snowy blanket with trees cover in snow too, a very beautiful picture to be taken. In fact, the whole valley is covered in snow with rivers froze up, the ground beginning to open up in different parts of the snowy valley, clouds forming with parts of the sunlight trying to break through. And red nose metal plating rising from the ground.

This valley will never be the same once the Missiles were launch. Too bad no one would be around to take a picture of this once beautiful snowy valley but that's how life is.

A countdown is heard throughout the valley, when it reach Zero. The Missiles launch into the air at high speed, each one launch every several seconds taking to the sky spreading out to different parts of the globe to hit their targets. The entire arsenal empty out of the valley as the snow mountains crumble like avalanches nothing to stop the destruction that's about to happen.

The whole badnik army along with Metal and Infinite watch in amazement seeing the trails of smoke spread out to different sections of the globe, this is the moment truth in Mobius history when the missiles strike their targets.

Gadget took a step back clutching his chest watching missiles sail into the sky before they blasted off to different sections of the globe. He took a deep breath from his mask and lets it out, it's shocking too see such dangerous weapons flying through the air but it's worth it.

"Everything will be okay in the 'New World', I just know it will"


"Sir, we have inbound Nukes approaching our vector"

That sentence got G.U.N Central command more chaotic and even panicking too since the main screen shows a few missles approaching G.U.N headquarters. Not only that a few missiles broke off from the pack and begin to head in different directions as several missiles stayed on target.

"Get Our Missile system online and engage those Nukes And where are those other Missiles going?" The G.U.N commander call out to the staff seeing if anyone had projections on those Missiles destinations.

"The rest are heading for Central city"


That got the commander attention looking back at the screen of the Missiles heading straight towards Central City. The crown jewel and Political capital of the United Federations, it will be a catastrophe if those hit key sections of the city, not only that it will cause massive destruction as well not to mention the citizens living there too.

"That's where the 'Summit' being held at"

He look over at one of the G.U.N soldiers scrambling at the controls which would be use to activate G.U.N Missile defenses.

"Is our defenses online yet?"

"No sir, we can't seem to get them online, not only that I'm getting reports of our own Nukes being launch as well"

"What do you mean 'Our' own Nukes have just been launch" the commander snap at the soldier.

Before the Soldier could even respond someone yell something about 'Inbound Nukes' before the room's engulf into flames, vaporizing everything and everyone in its path.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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