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Jade's pov

The week had gone by and
"JADE!!!" My door banged open

"THE FUCK??!!" I yelled

"Get up!!" I was practically pulled up

"What are yo-???"

"Why didn't you tell me???!" Zayn said

"Tell you what??" I asked

"That you got the fuckin job!!!"

"I di- WHAT!!! I DID!!! OH MY GOD I" I threw my arms over his shoulders and hugged him

"Get ready!! We're going camping!!" He said and ran out of my room

I swear he's more excited about me getting the job then me

I showered got dressed , packed the essentials and walked to the living room and was immediately crushed

"Your a working lady , mate!!!" Niall said has he spinning me around before putting me down

"Good lad!!" Louis said and smiled at

"Yeah we're proud of you" Liam said giving me a side hug

"Thanks guys" I said and looked at them

"The girls are meeting us there" Harry said walking through the door

"Hey!!" He said when he saw me

"Nice going" Harry said and pulled me in for a hug

"I knew you'd get it" he said leaning in close to my ear

"Thanks" I said and pulled away

"Okay let's get going" zayn said and placed a firm hand on Harry shoulder pulling him away

We all joked as we made our way downstairs and hopped into Louis car

Louis climbed in the drivers seat and Zayn climbed in the passenger seat Niall and Liam climbed in the middle leaving me and Harry in the back 

"I'm hungry" Niall said as he threw his legs across the seat and over Liam

"For once Neil i agree with you" Louis said and we chuckled

I sighed and leaned my head against the window Harry grabbed my hand and pulled my sleeve up

"It's fine" I whispered and tried to break free form his firm yet gentle grip

"I swear I'm gonna kill him" he said

"Harry i-"

"No don't say it's fine!!" He said in harsh tone

"Look I don't want to do this right now!!" I said and pulled my hand away turning my attention back to looking outside the window

"I'm sorry" he mumbled and took my hand in his

"Okay" I said he smiled and intertwined our fingers and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I lay my head in the crook of his neck

"I'm tired" he mumbled and lay his head on top of mine

I nodded and soon drifted off into a slumber


I jolted up from my position and wacked my head on the roof of the car

"OWW!!" I yelled causing everyone in the front seats to

"Hahaha hahaha hahaha" Niall started and everyone chuckled

"Haha" Harry chuckled

I shook my head and leaned back into the seat

"We're here!!!" Louis yelled

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