All-Knowing God

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It was a normal day, like any other one.

The stunning rays of the sun are still shining everywhere on the endless grasslands.

The immense clouds cover the sky.

And there is an excellently pretty witch flying through the horizon on her broom.

I'm heading for a famous country.

That country was not famous for its scenery, its nice food or friendly people. Actually, it's a quite normal country.

It's only famous for this one person.

The people who knows about that person all call her All-Knowing God.

Everyone who talked about her before me only told me that "All-Knowing God is All-Knowing God." And she lives in the country I'm visiting.

I was lucky enough to meet some people who actually spoke to the All-Knowing God in the nearby countries. They only told me with scary tone: "I talked with The All-Knowing God. She knows everything."

When I asked them what she knows, how did they meet the God, and why they are scared, they just said: "I can't tell you".

There are some rumors that this God is a Grandmaster of magic, but people don't really know.

That's just weird. But it just makes my curiosity grows a lot.

To be honest, I'm not even sure if I will meet God if I can get into the country. I don't even know where she lives in the country, and how people managed to talk to her.

Why do you talk to a God to begin with? The information that those people gave me was incomplete, but at least I know that I can actually talk to this All-Knowing God.

This may sound weird, but I have never talked with gods before. Are you even supposed to talk to them? I only saw them on statues and on wall paintings.

They don't feel real, I think.

So I can't wait to meet this All-Knowing God.

I was thinking about miscellaneous things as I soar between some curious pigeons.

Like that moment when the super angry drawing of me was printed on the wine bottle.

I actually saw an auction for such a wine bottle in the last country I visit. What if 100 years later, people will only remember me as an annoyed girl stepping on grapes?

I wanted to buy it so bad but I was sadly broken. I can never cure my throw-money-out-of-windows habits.

As I sighed a lot, I saw a young girl with white hair and slightly yellow shades standing in front of the gates.

Those gates were large, metallic ones with golden shades, with decorating flowers. It looks luxurious, girly and eerie at the same time.

Here I am, it's the country I'm trying to reach.

Why is a young girl standing here though? And she is smiling as she looks at me.

Somehow I get a strange feeling that something bad will happen.

The air... is just different.

It's a little... energized. It feels exciting and scary at the same time.

I step off the brooch and look at the young girl.

She is still smiling.

I don't know why, but suddenly my heart and my breath became a little stiff.

"Ano... Uhm..."

I'm trying to say something like "I would like to visit this country" like usual, just to stop the stress, but I didn't.

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