Face your fears

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If you aren't a smut person, I'm sorry this isn't the best thing for you :/

Harry didn't wake up too well that morning and his head was buzzing.
He was nursing a hangover from the night before.

Sure, drinking wasn't the best idea for an 18 year old, but it wasn't like there was anyone around to give a fuck.

The Battle had scarred everyone for good and the teachers were pretty lenient with them all.

Everyone knew where to get the alcohol. Dumbledore's brother had a stash down in the kitchens and everyone knew to tickle the pear.

Hermione tugged on his sleeve, further deepening his headache.

"What is it Hermione?" He grumbled.

"It's time for class," she replied.

Ron was already out the door. He barely talked to anyone much anymore.

Their trio was falling apart before Harry's eyes and it broke his heart.

All the things that he saw was his fault. If he had just turned himself into Voldemort sooner, there would be less pain.

Harry sighed, tossed his bag over his shoulder, and walked behind Hermione to class.

There was yet another new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Usually when there was a new teacher, the halls would be a electric with rumors however, like mentioned before, no one gave a fuck.

Their new teacher was a short woman with electric green hair. It was a horrible shock to Harry's eyes.

He wished he had the sense to get himself a pair of sunglasses.

"Hello everyone, I'm Professor Phoenix," she introduced herself.

"Phoenix?" A familiar voiced drawled out, "like the bird?"

"Yes," she nodded, "much like a bird,"

"Ohhkay," Draco smirked.

Harry rolled his eyes at Draco's constant need to comment.

"I'm sure you all are experienced in this kind of thing-," Professor Phoenix winced and added, "I'm sorry that was insensitive,"

"Yeah Malfoy certainly knows a thing or two!" Someone called out.

More and more people joined in and Harry watched as the blonde sunk down in his seat.

"Everyone shut up," Harry stood abruptly.

The room went still.

Harry and Draco locked eyes before Harry stormed out of the room.

"Oh dear," Professor Phoenix frowned.

*  *  *

"Potter! Potter will you slow down?!" Draco gasped from behind him.

"Go away Malfoy!" Harry seethed.

"What's the matter with you?"

"You're following me," Harry finally stopped walking.

"Yes because I wanted to thank you," Draco huffed.

"Okay. You're welcome," Harry grunted.

"Why are you so cold?" Draco glared.

"I have no reason to be anything else,"

Harry stomped off, leaving Draco behind looking confused. He simply shrugged and walked to his next class, making sure to keep a low profile.

Harry had ran all the way back up to his bed and flung himself at it.

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