Chapter Five

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"Tate, why are you dragging me here? It's been such a long day, my feet are killing me, and you know that the wait at Angelo's is insane on Fridays," Emma complains, as I practically pull her by the arm through town.

Just a few minutes ago, we got off our shift at Chester Pike's. It was a particularly busy day, so my feet are also crying to lay down. And she's right, Friday night is pizza night in Sullivan, and so Angelo's is always popping. But this is too good of a moment to pass up.

"I promise, you won't want to miss this," I smile cryptically.

"What? Is someone gonna propose or something? That's not very romantic."

"No," I laugh, as we walk up to the glowing glass door to Angelo's. "It's something better."

Opening the door for Emma, I feel as giddy as a Ringmaster opening the curtain to the Big Top Circus. And boy, is the show about to begin.

Angelo's, as both Emma and I had suspected, is packed, but even more so than the average Friday. This is because, I can only assume, someone (I have no idea who, wink wink), must have let it slip to Harry's growing fan club that he would be working here. It seems nearly every girl between 15 and 23 got the memo and had turned up with their friends for the chance to win over the local British celebrity.

It's still wild to me that these girls have no idea who Harry really is. They've never heard him sing or the songs he's written. To them, One Direction is just a type of road. And yet they still treat him like a celebrity, just because of how cute and charming he is. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Harry has too much power.

In this instance, however, that power is working against him. As for me, this is the first bit of enjoyment Harry's allure has gifted me. Because in the middle of the packed pizzeria, was Harry, with his hair all out of place, flour coating his work apron, and a deep crease on his forehead from concentration.

Frantically, Harry is trying to prepare meals, take orders, and field a mob of adoring girls. Quite a challenge, even for someone who's ~toured the world five times~.

"Did Harry get a job?" Emma asks, stifling a laugh at his appearance.

"Sure did," I grin back. "He was complaining about not having money and being bored, so he's working here now."

"Geez, you'd think it was a Jonas Brothers concert or something by this turn out," Emma notes, looking at the crowd of young women.

I laugh, sitting down at one of the few available tables. "You better be careful, girls are coming for your man."

"My man? Harry's much more of yours, don't you think? I've only known him a handful of days, and he's cute, but you guys have the real chemistry."

Shit, I forgot that Emma doesn't remember idolizing Harry for most of her life. "Shut up, chemistry doesn't count if the emotion is hatred."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," she jokes. "I'm gonna go get us some drinks. Wish me luck getting through the barricade."

"Godspeed. You're the bravest person I know."

Emma gives me a quick salute and heads towards the front counter. I've always really liked Angelo's; it has a cool vibe. It's retro-themed, with vinyl booths, a black and white tiled floor, vintage neon signs on the walls, and a cherry red and robin's egg blue color scheme. To top it all off, in the corner proudly sits an old jukebox that is incapable of playing any song more recent than 1981. Tonight, it's playing a selection of Rock and Roll Holiday songs, starting with "Run Rudolph Run" by Chuck Berry.

Mom and I used to come here after school every Wednesday. It was one of our traditions. So when she got sick and I needed to help out with money, I got a job here. I figured that it would be good luck since Mom had always loved this place. After she died, I kept the job because it made me feel close to her. But when I wanted to move out, I faced the reality that Angelo's didn't give me enough hours and switched over to Chester Pike's.

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