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June,31,2015 Burguess, Pennsylvania.

They say when the carriage moves it sounds like a unstable rocking chair.

No one has ever really seen the carriage.

Some say its forbidden.

Others think the elder kids made it up to scare the younger kids. But no one really knows.

One young boy named Hiro Hamanda age: 17 claims to have saw it but had no evidence. She said and I quote,"A man! A man in a black cloak was on it!! HE WAS!!! His...his carriage was black or a very dark brown I dont know, but he..he had a knife and... and...and he captured someone! He stabbed them and put them inside the carriage!!! Then he went inside too and the carriage rode away! He...he didn't see me but I saw him!!!"

But something that makes this video somewhat believable is, a young boy named Hiccup Horrendous Haddock was comfirmed missing on November,1st, 1995.

That was a day after Hiro Hamanda made the report.

Police searched and searched until the point where they said he was found in pond located on 24th lake street, naked and lifeless.

But the wierd part is, they never had shown the body.

Reporters asked and asked for an explanation but only got the same old answer, "The body was to inappropriate for pedestrians to see. Sadly, there will be no funeral for Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III."

Some people still try to make ways to have a proper funeral but it always ends with chaos.

Even I try to help with the Haddock death but there's one problem. It happened almost 20 years ago.

From the writtings of,
Elsa Marie Dell

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