Just NCT Things

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Hey guys so since many of you asked me to update this once in a while at least with Just NCT Things segment, so here I am with another segment.

Without Further Adieu Let's Get it....


Yangyang: So how would you like your popcorn? Salted or Sweet ?

* Lucas Looking at Ten *

Lucas: I like it just like my boyfriend.

* Lucas smirking at the blushing Ten*

Yangyang: ....

Yangyang: Sorry we don't have ugly flavor.


 *Jaehyun checking out Taeyong's butt *

Taeyong *notices him*: What are you thinking of ?

* Johnny drinking his coffee sitting beside Jaehyun *

Jaehyun: Thinking of what to eat for dinner?

* Johnny chokes on coffee *

Taeyong: I'm thinking what to eat for breakfast.

* Johnny chocks on air *


* Jaemin and Jeno arguing *

Jaemin: I wanna be on top.

Jeno: No me.

Jaemin: No me.

* Jisung sitting there listening to them argue *

Jisung: Honestly I don't know why you guys fight to be on top or bottom.

* Jeno and Jaemin looking at him surprised *

Jisung: Honestly in a bunk bed both Top and Bottom are fun.

Jeno: Should we tell him?

Jaemin: NO !


* Doyoung texting Yuta *

Doyoung: Hey do you wanna hang out today ?

Yuta: can't I'm busy, at the mall with my new boyfriend.

Doyoung: Wow, okay now tell me the truth.

Yuta: Busy stalking the cute boy Mark, you know the one who called the security on me last time.

Doyoung: So how is it going ?

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