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So basically I got this idea while reading Cresswell one-shots so I decided let me try this if I can create my own one-shot so I hope everyone likes it.

"Guys!'' Cress said.

We were currently up in space with the whole crew taking a 'break' as Kai and Cinder like to call it.

Everyone comes into the cargo bay. With a flustered Kai. Only the stars know what he and Cinder were doing.

"What's up?" Thorne asks.

"Well I found this cool app called YouTube which is still famous now in day also. Where people record themselves doing yoga, exercise, singing and much more. And I was wondering if three of you would like to sing with me in my own song compilation."


Iko was the first to respond "Oooh, I'll gladly sing with you Cress. I've always wanted to sing with you, since you have such an amazing voice!"

"You know I'll join too, since once I get bored of filling to much paper work and a lot of press meeting I sing to help me relax, but I warn I may be not that good." Kai said.

"That's fine." Cress said. 7"I need one more, please."

Thorne sighs.

"Ok fine, I'll join just because my Cress is on it."

"Thank you, everyone."

"When shall we get started?" Kai asked

"Whenever you guys want." Cress said.

"Well can we start right now?" Iko asked.

"Sure." Cress

Cress started getting some headphones she had when she starts listen to operas when she was alone. Then, Cress put up the recording and the lyrics ready to go.

Everyone got into place.  Cress breathed 3...2...1. (Play video now.)



It's me

I  was wondering

If after all these years, you'd like to meet


Send  me your location

Let's focus on communicating

'Cause I just need the time and place

To come through


You were the shadow 

To my light,

Did you feel us?

Another star,

You fade away


Cause you are, 


I need to get you alone


Just gonna 

Iko and Thorne

Stand there 

And watch me burn 

Well, that's alright 

Because I like

The way it hurts


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