{Chapter 9}

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(Third Person View)
Breadcrumbs were falling into the water; fish and ducks were eating the food more and more as it was thrown into the water by Ccino.
There were no words being spoken at the moment between the two it was just calm and peaceful.

Nightmare was looking at Ccino hands concentrating on the breadcrumbs and was waiting to say something, to simply get a reaction out of it. When he stopped zoning out he started to just look around the scenery. This was a pretty place to be at how he never saw it before he didn't know. He turned around again and saw Ccino's face.

It was only awhile ago when he realized how he liked his smile, how he didn't seem pleased anymore seeing him scared or sad. Although he could never figure out why he had considered something before but decided that it wasn't that for he thought it was an utterly stupid thing to even think about.
He never got it out of his head though; it was always in the back of his head.

Ccino finished the small bag of breadcrumbs finally and this is when Nightmare finally decided to say what he wanted to.
"You know bread is bad for ducks right?"
Nightmare said this with a sadistic smirk on his face attempting to get the reaction he wanted, and which he got.
Ccino looked at him with confused worried eyes before looking at the pond again he muttered something to himself that Nightmare couldn't here.

Ccino looked disappointed and looked down at the railing he was holding onto.
Nightmare saw this he didn't understand why, but for the first in a long time he felt guilty. He looked at Ccino as his smirk fell he seemed like he wanted to say something as an apology, but couldn't get himself to do it.
All he did in this was stroke Ccino's head with a tentacle. This was something common that he did, but Ccino looked at him for a second from the corner of his eye and let a soft smile grow onto his face. Ccino was disappointed in his outcome of life, but at least the world let him have this few sweet moments that he could remember.

There was still barely any words spoken between the two. Getting overtaken by the scenery.

Nightmare seemed to have gotten over the moment already however still stroking Cappuccino's head. The fact that he was at least not upset anymore was all that mattered to Nightmare, now that, that was over with he didn't seem to care anymore. Ccino was just quietly looking at the pond again. He felt bad that he did something without knowing ahead a time at least now he knows what he shouldn't do anymore.

In Ccino's mind there is always a positive side to any situation. Now however he began to question why Nightmare was nice to him all of a sudden, it's not like he was complaining but he was curious on why.

"Hey Nightmare"
Ccino spoke softly to not disturbed the peace that was happening

Nightmare looked at him with his pupil turning to the corner of his socket
"I wanted to know why your rubbing my head!Ah- I'm not saying I want you to stop just curious why your doing so suddenly is all."

Nightmare looked at him trying to think of the right thing to say.
"It was the best thing I could think of at the moment"
Nightmare never knew how to apologize properly. Nor did he even think he could, this was the best thing he could think of besides telling them directly.

Ccino looked at him and gave a soft smile. He didn't really know what he meant, but he didn't want to ask again; the last thing he wanted was to be a burden.

(Nightmare's POV)
This is just awkward now.
Dang it, why can't I do anything right?!
I don't even know what's happening to me. Since when did I even care.

I heard Ccino say something and jumped a bit I wasn't expecting him to say anything else.

"I know you don't care about me.. and that your only here because of the deal we made..."


"But thank you, for being here for me anyways"
Ccino smiled at me before looking at the pond again..
It was silent again...

I should really stop denying it, now..

I do love you...

Finally finished this hope y'all like it

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