chapter nine

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You had decided to spend the night together, after Thor had left with the excuse of needing to visit your world for the last time before returning to their dimension. Loki didn't seem to be very comfortable at first, he had whispered in a low voice "I suppose it's the first time", making your gaze splash from the ceiling into his eyes.

He looked at you as if he was afraid to even move a finger, which is why you had moved a bit under the covers of your bed, wrapping your arms around his torso.
After resting your head against his chest, you could swear that you felt his heart start beating fast. Maybe too fast. He was uncertain what to do, but then he had slid an arm behind your back, holding you to him. And together you had spent the whole night, in the darkness of your room, talking in small whispers, before falling asleep like that. Together. As you would have wanted to do for the rest of your life.

Although the thought of having to let him go had tormented you throughout the night, you had let yourself be rocked by his heartbeat, his light breath. And everything seemed in perfect harmony. You fell asleep with your lips folded in a slight smile, after kissing his bed gently, making him sigh.

Saying goodbye to them was not at all easy. First of all, because Thor had become extremely emotional and you had managed to bond quickly as if you had known each other all your life. He had held you in a very tight embrace, muttering a "Thank you" to which you had responded by raising an eyebrow. He, giggling, had nodded to his brother, who was standing in the corner of that filthy street with his arms around his chest, concentrating on the brick wall in an attempt to open a portal. "That's what he needed. And seeing him like this... makes me happy", he then murmured, clutching his shoulders, as if he regretted his own words.

"There is no need to thank me", you told him, before you threw your arms around his neck again, for another hug. "I would do it a thousand more times. And, don't tell him I told you, but you are the funniest", you had winked at him, making him burst out with a big laugh.

Loki had suddenly turned around, giving you a killer look. "Can you postpone the goodbyes until later? I'm trying to work, and I'm trying to get us home," he had spat in the direction of his brother, who had simply raised his hands in defence, and you had imitated him holding your lips tight, trying not to start laughing again.

When it was Loki's turn, the tones changed radically. He was not happy. Not even a little bit. His eyes were dull, and his expression simply distant.

He held you to his chest as he had not done before, murmuring beautiful words as he kissed your forehead, promising that he would return soon. Sooner than you might have expected. But you took his face in your hands, and told him that you would wait for him for years if the need arose. You know he's afraid you might stop waiting, but you also know that now more than ever, you wouldn't be able to feel the same way about another person as you feel about Loki just by looking him in the eye.

And you had kissed for a long time. He was clutching your hips, towering over you with his tall figure, while Thor disappeared over the portal shouting "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone for a while", which made you smile at each other's lips.

You think about it as you stand there on that dark street corner with your arms around your chest, staring at the same spot where the portal had disappeared in the blink of an eye after Loki had crossed it. Maybe minutes, maybe hours had passed, you had no idea. What you knew, deep in your heart, is that you already missed Loki. And that it was unbearable.

You bump on the spot when your mobile phone starts ringing. Once, twice, three times. Breathe loudly before you grab it. These are all notifications from Lola.

"Are they gone yet?"

"How do you feel?"

"I'm sorry... I'll wait for you. Let's spend some time together. I'll try to cheer you up. I may not be tall, with dark hair and superpowers, but I love you and I can't bear the thought of you being sad."

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