part 14

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Naruto's pov

I got it I'll sneak in there hehe I'm so stupid my plan is perfect I look up to see skinny long needles shooting in every direction at sasuke I then take the chance to sneak in there when there were no needles flying everywhere

Naruto: sasuke I snuck in here to save u

Sasuke: u dobe u could've tried to attack fr-

Haku: hm

Needles started shooting in every direction cutting me and sasuke the werid thing was that the cuts weren't deep at all

Sasuke: hn naruto u need to fin-

Naruto: fine u have a lot of mirrors so I'll break them with a lot of me

Sasuke: ugh fireball jutsu

I watch as sasuke does some hand signs then fire comes out of his hand

Naruto: what are u doing

Sasuke: what melt ice

Naruto: what?

Sasuke: figure it out done

I didn't realize what he said since I kept trying to think about what melts ice then I got it

Naruto: o-

Needles started coming out of everywhere again

Naruto: shadow clone justu

I tried attacking with multiple of me but failed as he quickly destroyed them. No Im not giving up I've need to try again I tried again but didn't work like last time then the needles started coming everywhere this time it cut into me and Sasuke's legs

Haku: I don't want to kill ya-

Naruto: shadow clone justu

I keep trying but it keeps failing I'm started to get frustrated when haku starts shooting those stupid needles this time hitting us in our arms when the needles went away I tried again I thought it failed but when I looked in the mirror some of haku's clothes were burnt

Sasuke: barely

The needles start coming again as I can barely stand now needles start coming again but none of them hit me I look at Sasuke to see his eyes with the sharingon in them

Haku: that's impossible my movement are faster than the human eyes can see yet he's tracking my every moment

Sasuke: you've hurt my dobe way too much already

Naruto: shadow clone justu

I failed again this time I couldn't get up sasuke had to move me from getting hit with the needles

Sasuke: hn

Haku: looking for a counter attack

I blacked out.........when I was able to open my eyes again I saw sasuke right in front of me with haku on the floor

Naruto: U did it

Sasuke: hn I love u

Naruto: what

I watch as sasuke falls to the ground life less while haku was getting up

Haku: he sacrificed himself even though he new it was a trap he was a true warrior

Naruto: shut up

I was beyond mad this fucker just killed the love of my life my childs son

Menma: d-daddy

I turn to see Menma looking at sasuke

Naruto: Menma cover your eyes

Menma: y-you

I watched as Menma looked at haku he started changing his eyes where a scary red and his cheeks were changed too but one of his eyes were different it had the sharingon


So haku killed Itachi and now he killed my lover and my childs dad

Naruto: I'm going to rip your damn head of your shoulders

Haku had a terrified look on his face as I started to change too

Haku: what the hell why are y'all changing

Me and Menma charged at him as he went back into the glass trying to throw needles which had no effect on us as our main goal was to kill him he tried running away from us but I grabbed him and punches him in the face breaking his mask and making him fall back words as Menma jumped off my back kicking him in the face the riped his head of his neck

Sasuke: did I really witness my child rip someone's head off

Menma: DADDY!!!!

Sasuke: hey buddy

Menma: I thought u were dead dad I thought I would never see u again I thought I was going to lose uncle tachi and u

Sasuke: u didn't wi-

Menma: daddy I witnessed uncle taichi's death

Sasuke: I-

I watched as sasuke was about to start crying so I walked over to him and hugged him

Kiba: woah I've never seen a uchiha cry

Naruto: shut up kiba

Hinata: here

I turn to hinata to see her throw Sakura on the ground

Sakura: uh h-hey guys

Naruto: okay my turn

Sasuke: no kiba

Kiba: I think I'll let tei take the honor

Tei: (laughing) so I recall u putting your hands on what was mine

Sakura: I didn't put my hands on Menma I swear sasuke

Sasuke: the hell di-

I had to cover Sasuke's mouth knowing he would cuss the kid out

Kiba: wait what

Menma: dad she did she threw me down and hit me she threaten to beat me too

Sakura: shut it kid no I didn't sasuke u have to believe me

Tei: bruno

I turn to look at his dog growling showing its teeth inching closer to Sakura I can tell u that fucker is terrifiing his fur is black while his eyes are red he looked like a wolf

Tei: kill this bitch

I put my hands over menma's eyes as sasuke puts his hand on mine I hear garra and his son laugh all while hearing sakura's scream

Lee: stop garra that's not very youthfull

I then hear garra and his kid stop while hearing gasp then kiba

Kiba: woah I've never heard garra obey anyone

We all start laughing we stop when we hear tsunade

Tsunade: NARUTO!!!

I turn worried

Naruto: what's wrong

Tsunade: jiriya

Naruto: where is he

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