meet clara

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Clara Clem is 17 and she lives in Ontario Canada, she is a ballet dancer and she is very serious about her dancing. One slip up and she'll beat herself up about it for hours on end, her coach didn't make it better either.

"Clara!" Mr.Smith yelled as Clara fell out of her turn. "I'm sorry Mr.Smith I've been very busy with school, exams are coming and-" "Now Clara I can not have all your excuses right now." "I know Mr.Smith, I'm very sorry" she said very disappointed in herself. She picked herself up and in a rush and began practicing her turns again. After 2 hours she was finally finished her morning session before school began. Clara woke up everyday right at 5 am to get there on time, then she was off in a hurry to make it to school by 7:30.

She finally got to school, Clara didn't have many friends at school. But who could blame the other kids? Clara would always stand there looking unimpressed by everything around her. A few kids would try to make an attempt by showing her apart of a presentation or anything else but Clara would just roll her eyes and walk away. At lunch she would barely eat a thing. " have to stay in for for competition" she would say. Clara could barely stay focused in class cause she was so hungry, but she would never do anything about it. Her grades were suffering and she knew it too.

She would get home by 3:30 and do as much homework she could before getting back to the dance studio by 4:00 then be back by 7:30.

He and her family weren't very close. It was her, her mom, her dad, and her older brother Sebastian. Sebastian was pretty opposite to Clara. Her was fun and carefree, he loved people so much that her was actually in medical school to help people who are sick or hurt. Claras mom and dad were extremely critical of Clara. They thought that she had to be above everyone when it came to dance. If she slipped up though. It was not good.

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