Tashyrra and Makayla part 2

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Tashyrra:Gurl wat you wanna do this weekend?

Makayla:Idek kaz there's really nun to do on the weekends with everybody going to different places and beening busy

Tashyrra: 4real chick

Makayla:Lol you a trip

Tashyrra:So i think we should go to the mall right now then to see who all there and get some outfits before christmas break kaz im not going to be here for christmas as you already know

( go out the door and gets in the car and drive to the mall)

Tashyrra:Gurl who is them three boys sittin over there at the food court

Makayla:Idek but lets go and see who it is

*walks over to the table in the food court*

Makayla:Omg gurl its Chad and Levi and Japul bxtch we caught

Tashyrra: Naw bxtch you caught

Makayla:Lmao i guess

Tashyrra: Let's just walk away and hope they dont spot us walking through the food court


*Walks through and hears there names*

Tashyrra:Damn we got caught Makayla be prepared for this one okay and ket me talk you just sit in hush mode okay?

Makayla: okay

Levi: Hey Makayla

Chad:Hey Tashyrra

Japul:Hey Babe

Tashyrra:Hey yall

Makayla:Hey yall wassup up

Tashyrra:* Give Makayla the didnt i tell you to stfu look*

Chad: so wat yall ladies doing here on this fine day

Tashyrra: num bored so we decided to come to the mall to see who all was here

Chad: oh okay wats up with home gurl over there she so quiet lol Tashyrra wat you did to Japul's girlfriend


Japul: Yeah girlfriend?

Levi: When this happened Makyla

Makayla:*Looks at Tashyrra*

Tashyrra: When you left her 7 years ago Levi

Levi: She goin leave me for him

Makayla: Yeah why not Levi you left me 7 years ago and now your just me friend no matter what happened in the past kaz you left not me. Simple as it gets

Levi: I understand that but i left on my own i should have told you before i left

Tashyrra: Too late now buddy

Japul:Lmao this is too funny

Makayla: * Gets up and walks away from the table*

Chad: *Gets up and follow Makayla*

Tashyrra:* Gets up to follow Chad*

Japul: See wat you did * gets up and leave to follow Tashyrra*

Levi: *Gets up and leaves*

Makayla: *Gets in the car and locks the doors and turn the music up full blast and sit and think about wat just happens*

(Makayla's point of view)

Man i can't belive Levi just did that has he lost his mind trying to make me cry in front of everybody he just can't get over the fact that i've moved on for the past and now im in the future. i can cleary see wat i've been missing kaz i have it all in front of me with Tashyrra and Chad and Japul and i was blinded by LEVi'S LOVE!!! and his mess that i didnt see it but who cares kaz i dont care and i know nobody else does. ( END P.O.V.)

EB but levi: Knocks on the window

Makayla:* Turn down the music and roll the window down*

Tashyrra: Are you okay?

Makayla: Yeah i just can't believe he really said that like really dude

Tashyrra:I feel you cousin

Makayla:I know you do

Chad:Okay let's go back to Makayla's Place and talk about it there and Japul you riding back with me right?

Japul: Yeah im going wth you

Tashyrra:Makayla you driving back home kaz i drove here

Makayla: Ight

    *While driving home Tashyrra keeps looking at her phone and back at me*

Makayla: Gurl wats wrong

Tashyrra:Chad just texted me

Makayla: What he texted you

Tashyrra:He just said that Levi is at your house

Makayla:Okay tell him ima be there in one min

*Pushed the gas peddle and the car speed away*

*Arrives at my house*

Levi: Hey babe just came to see you again

Makayla: Levi how many times do i have to tell you we are done you left i didn't you should have stayed instead of leaving to Florence,Itlay to be with another gurl and forgot about me and now that im ready to start all over again but with a new person and now your trying to be back in my life it's too late now

Levi: Okay that's how you really feel

Makayla: You damn right Levi you best belive im not finished boy kaz you really didn't care about me you just didn't want to be single so you went after any and everybody and then you changed when you realized that i wasnt up for all that bullshit you was playing

Levi: That's how you really really feel Makayla

Makayla: Levi pull the gun from your pocket right now kaz you think you smart but im alot smarter then you think come on pull it out and drop it on the floor now LEVI!!!

Levi: * Pulls out the gun and drop it*

Makayla: See ive been doing my research and nevaa told you i know you from the back of my hand so your best bet is to leave before i call my cousin over here and you know which im talkin about

Levi: *Gets in the car and drive off*

Well tell me what you think about the story and i need more feed back so i know what im doing wrong and right Thankz No Comment Delvecchio and Dimple was here and inbox us sometime BYE LOVE YALL

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