Chapter 14: Interrogation

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Lily was thrown onto the floor in between Dom and Molly, her hands behind her. A wand was placed on her neck, forcing her chin up. Lucius stopped in front of her. "So, Potter."

"Yes?" Lily didn't know how she wanted to play this out. She wanted to say 'That's my name, yes' but maybe sarcasm wasn't the best idea in this situation.

"You will answer my questions truthfully and failure to do so will result in severe punishment." Lucius started. "There was a slight alteration from the original plan for you children. New information had been presented, leading us to need your answers. Do you understand?"

She nodded. Of course she understood, what was she, five?

"What is your status with the following people? Cassandra Nott, Scorpius Malfoy, Edward Lestrange, and Lena Greengrass."

"I don't know any of them. Besides Scorpius, he's my brother's best friend. He visited a lot over the summer." Lily replied, and she felt the wand push her chin up more.

"What are your thoughts on The Darkness?" Lucius stopped pacing once more, and stared Lily in the face.

It was an opinion question, she noticed. No matter what she said, she couldn't be wrong. But she had to give Lucius an answer he would like.

"I don't know what that is." Lily lied, averting eye contact with him.

Silence fell over the room. "You're lying."

Lily glanced at Dominique, who shook her head ever so slightly. She hadn't said anything on the subject. "I don't know what you're talking about." She responded as calmly as she could.

"Don't lie to me, child." His voice had an edge to it, and Lily knew this was the last straw.

"I don't know anything about the dark-" She saw Lucius wave his hand at the man behind her, and the wand dug deeper into her neck.

Her entire body tensed. A wave of intense pain passed over her whole body, causing her to scream in pain. Her limbs felt like they were being ripped off of her, her head was pounding, and her stomach was being stabbed by a knife over and over again.

She'd never felt this much pain in her entire life. Tears started sprouting in her eyes as she screamed again.

Just as quickly as it started, the pain stopped. Her knees were going to give away once more, the only thing holding her up was the man behind her, still lifting her by the shirt collar.

Molly and Dominique were frozen in horror, staring at Lily. Lucius had a smirk across his face. "See what happens when you don't comply? Now, answer me truthfully Potter, this is your last chance." He knelt down in front of Lily, who was trying to hide her cries. "What do you know about the darkness?"

"I-it's a group of people who want Slytherin to be the only house." She sobbed. "Please let me go-"

"Who told you?"

"I overheard it." Lily lied. "My Dad was talking about it."

Lucius studied her face, but seemed satisfied when he stood up again. "Keep them up here. Nott, grab that Lucy girl. Carrow, grab the veritaserum."

Lily's heart skipped a beat. She knew veritaserum was going to force someone to tell the truth. Who was he gonna use it on? And what did that person know that he didn't?


Al woke up to his brother shaking him awake. "My god, Al will you wake up already?"

"What the hell do you want?" Al groaned, rubbing her eyes. He couldn't remember where he put his glasses, which would prove to be a problem later.

"Breakfast is ready, Grandma wants us downstairs to eat." James informed, standing up. "I'm going to eat, you guys just come down soon so I don't get yelled at for not waking you up." He left the room, and Al noticed Teddy was still in his bed.

"Morning Al," He mumbled, rolling over in his blanket.

"Morning Ted," Al yawned, standing up reluctantly. "Come on, we gotta go down."

Teddy groaned, buried his face in his pillow. "I'll be down soon."

"Fine, whatever." Al left, too tired to argue. He headed down the staircases and ended up in the living room, where some of his family were eating.

"Morning bud, foods in the kitchen."'

"Thanks Uncle George." Al did a spin on his heel and headed into the kitchen, where he grabbed an english muffin. He found his cousins at the dining room table and sat down next to Louis.

"James, weren't you meant to wake the girls as well?" Louis asked, taking a sip of orange juice.

"Oh crap." James groaned before standing up again and hurrying up the stairs once more, deserting his food.

Al turned back towards his cousins, resuming their conversation.

"I don't know, my bets are on the Holyhead Harpies, have you seen Aunt Ginny's and her teammates play?" Louis mused.

"What're we talking about?" Al asked.

"Who's gonna win the Quidditch match this weekend." Al nodded, remembering his mother talking about it. She was a chaser on the Holyhead Harpies, one of the best Quidditch teams, in Al's opinion.

"No offense Hug, but the Chudley Cannons stand no chance." Fred chuckled. The Chudley Cannons were the opposing team, which also happened to be Hugo's favorite.

Hugo rolled his eyes. "Trust me, I know."

Footsteps coming from above told Al that James was back. He turned around, about to ask the girls who they thought was going to win, when he realized James was alone.

"Uhm, guys?" He had a worried tone in his voice. "The girls aren't there."


Lily still felt like she could pass out. From pain, tiredness, fear, who knows. Her head was pounding, and she still couldn't stand up by herself. Her feeble, tiny body couldn't handle even that tiny amount of torture.

She watched as Lucy was thrown onto the floor next to Molly. Carrow grabbed her chin, turning it towards him. He poured a couple of droplets of the liquid in a vile into her mouth. Lily guessed that was the veritaserum. Why hadn't they used it when questioning her? The Death Eaters have really weird methods, she decided.

"Now, Weasley. What is your relationship with my daughter?" Nott started.

Lucy swallowed. "She's my girlfriend."

Lily did a double take. Girlfriend? Lucy never said she had a girlfriend, or that she likes girls for that matter. Of course it didn't matter, she was still the same Lucy, but it was still a shock.

Nott pursed his lips. "Girlfriend?" He moved his wand around in his hands. "Interesting. What has Cassandra said about The Darkness?"

"She doesn't support it." A single tear rolled down Lucy's cheek. "She thinks it's stupid."

Nott stopped in his tracks, his knuckles turning white from gripping his wand too hard. "That is all, sir. May I leave?"

"You may go Nott, yes." Lucius dismissed him, and he hurried out. "Put them in the corner, I don't want them with the others." He addressed the people holding Molly, Lucy, Dominique and Lily.

Lily was pulled over to the side of the room, and she was thrown forward. She hit the floor hard, but didn't have enough energy to move. The other three were dropped next to her as well, hitting the floor with a thud. 




I had this as a draft for yesterday i meant to post it whoops, I'll still post tomorrow.

Lily Luna and The DarknessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora