Someone has to die

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Von Croys Manor
3 Weeks Earlier

-Lara! Please listen to me!
-Listen to what! You were like a father to me! I saw you dying in that temple! Then years later I learn that you're alive and the only thing you do is to leave me die in collapsed ruins!

-I wanted to save you but there was no way!
-There's always a way! Oh, I forgot. You organized a funeral, you pretended you're sad and spent your night telling stories about my past adventures with your friends. Very caring of you!

-You have all the rights to be mad but you should listen to me!

-Well I'm mad! I'm insanely mad, but screw it. Talk!

-I didn't want you to find me, the trip we had was not like any other expedition. I came close with dangerous people and got into dark paths. When I decided to take a step back it was too late.

-You know dangerous games have the same ending, you knew it from the start that this isn't gonna end well. You played with fire, you sacrificed everything, you destroyed everything my father has ever made.

-Your father was in this case before me....

-Shut up! You don't know him like I do!

-Yeah you're right, I know him better.

-What these men want?!

-Lara you should stay away from it, it's none of your business!

-Well since these men were calling the name of my father it's pretty much of my business don't you think!

-We are not responsible for the faults of our parents!

-But they haunt us, don't they?! I haven't slept for three days, since I came back from Egypt the only thing that comes in mind is to find the truth, not to live a pathetic life.

-Its not pathetic, it's ordinary.

-But i sought the extraordinary years now, there's no space for a life like that.

-Extraordinary things can cost you everything, they come with a price, are you sure you can face the consequences?

-I don't have literally nothing to lose anymore, nothing.

-You still have a life Lara, what about that? Don't underestimate it.

-Well if that's my life....then I'm half alive. My life wasn't supposed to be about unpaid loans, kissing strangers in bars and crying over family photos. I want my life back, my real life! And if I can't have it completely I want to try to even feel the euphoric feeling of having it back just for a sec. I won't find peace until I learn what my father had done so I suggest you to talk. If you love me as you say, if you see me as a daughter then talk.

-Lara i-

He grabbed the gun from the table and pointed at me with a frightened face.

-What are you doing!? Hey! Werner! Noooo!

I run towards him and tried to stop him by grabbing his hand to turn the gun to the window but when I heard the gunshot everything shut down and I just blacked out. Inaudible voices were playing again and again In my head until I opened my eyes with a strong headache hitting my brain. My forehead had drops of blood and Werner was slaughtered next to me, on a blood flooded floor. I sat next to him, i tried to recover him, I hoped for a miracle but the blood was too much, my hands were painted red and the pain had the coldest color in the world.

"No no no this can't be happening! Fuck! What should I do, what should I DO! Oh god I have to...I have to think, shit I have to call the police but..."

The sirens were already heard, I thought of staying there and try to explain but who would believe someone covered in blood saying absurd things without even knowing a fact of what happened. The luck wasn't on my side, everything was still blurry, I grabbed my backpack, left my last tears on his dead body and I run through the door. The cops were already inside the apartment. They released their dogs to catch me. I closed the door behind me in panic and run downstairs, i tried to open the locker but the gunshots stopped my tries. I run through the corridor and then I felt the dog biting my backpack furiously. I kicked it in shock, left my backpack on the floor and jumped from the window in front of me. Time stopped for a sec, the glasses sliced my hands, my veins were transporting this scary feeling to my heart, making her beat so fast that I couldn't breathe. Things went way too far from the start, there was no time for explanations, just a continuous hit and run. My lips were dry, my skin was pale, my clothes covered in a red dust and my remaining powers weak as hell! I looked around me and the only thing I saw was an abandoned hotel. Helicopters were flashing my way and the cops were getting larger and larger in number. I got inside closed the door swiftly, pushed a cupboard in front of it and tried to think my next move but my thoughts were flying in the air trying to catch some. Shield-Protected cops were hitting the door angrily and one of them was already ready to get in. I calmed my breath and my mind took me back to the age when I was twenty one again. When I had to do my first kill, when I had to do all these gruesome things to survive cause the truth is when it comes to're taking lives to reclaim your own.

It wasn't easy to say, it wasn't innocent, it wasn't heroic but the first thought that came in mind when I saw him getting inside ready to catch me was:

"Someone has to die". And I wanted to make it damn clear that this one wouldn't be me. At any cost and the fall.... had just begun.

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