{First classes}

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Emily's POV
After the feast, we have to follow the Gryffindor prefects to the common room so we know where to go. We walk up some stairs that look 1000s of years old. The prefect said the password to a portrait that is "fairy lights".

The common room is amazing, it has fire place surrounded by sofas and armchairs. There are tables and seats pushed up against the common room walls. There are 2 staircases at the back of the common room.

"Okay girls dorms up the right staircase and down and the same to the boys but in the left" The male prefect said.

I walk up behind the two other girls that are in our year and Angelina and Alicia were walking up behind me. We open the door to the first year dorm. It has 5 4 poster beds and our trunks are already in our dorms ready for the term ahead.

After a while we all get settled to go to sleep for our first night at Hogwarts. I'm reflecting on what an hectic day it's been and can't believe my lessons start on Monday. Since September 1st was on a Friday, we have Saturday and Sunday to explore Hogwarts before our lessons start on Monday. I have no idea what to expect or if I'll be any good at learning, remembering or doing spells.

I start freaking out about everything, my breathing starts getting heavy and rapid, I can't think, focus and tears are brimming my eyes. It takes a minute for anyone to notice by as soon as they do Angelina and Alicia are by my side since the other two girls, Annabelle and Ellie, are still down in the common room. "Hey, it's alright. Just breathe slow and steady." Angelina says calmly with her arm wrapped around my shoulder.
"Everything will be Fine, we'll get through this together." Alicia is sitting on my other side handing me a tissue. I calm down after a few minutes.
"Thanks" I manage to spit out. It's pleasant silence until I speak up again. "It's just that I fell like I won't be a good with. I've never been to an actual school before either. I'm just going to mess everything up as I always do."
"We're all feeling the same way, trust me. I'm trying to put on a brave front but the bravest people aren't afraid to show their true feelings. That makes you braver than me." Angelina lets out a little laugh at the end of her sentence.
"Thanks, you are brave. We all are. I means we're 11, we go on a train by ourselves to Scotland, we now live in a castle while training to be witches." We all laugh at the realisation of how crazy it all sounds. Annabelle and Ellie return to the dorm giving us strange looks as we're laughing our heads off.
"Are you 3 alright?" Annabelle questions.
"Just this whole situation is quite funny don't you think. I mean we're 11, living in a Scottish castle training to be witches for the next 7 years. It sounds insane." Angelina responds through her laughs.
"Guess you're right. Sounds bizarre all together." Ellie speak up. Now the 5 of us are laughing all together at our first night at Hogwarts. After a while of chatting, we finally try to get some sleep to be awake for our first lessons.

After a good, full breakfast the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff first years head to Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall. I decide to be more outgoing so I can make more friends. I see that one of the ginger twins is sitting alone so I sit there before he protests or I change my mind. "Hi" I smile at him.
"Hey" he quickly responds.
"I don't want to be rude but are you Fred or George?"
"I'm George"
"Sorry, it's quite hard to tell you apart"
"It's alright, our parents don't even know the difference" I feel bad for him now.
"Really, doesn't that make you sad?"
"We've gotten use to it, it's always Fred and George so no one bothers anymore."
"Challenge accepted" I cheekily grin at him.
"What...." hehe he's confused
"Attention first years. Welcome to Transfiguration, I'm Professor McGongall." The lesson started after she transformed from a cat sitting on the desk.

The Phoenix and the red head//F. WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now