20. An Impossible Choice

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"Mom," said Otohime, who had noticed Rose's plight

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"Mom," said Otohime, who had noticed Rose's plight. "I really think you should save Rose like she saved me."

"And Liz. Please help Liz," sobbed Rose, hugging her friend.

Calypso gave them an appraising look. "You have been helpful, both of you. Alright, I will do what I can. But I can only save one. Choose wisely."

She made a motion with her hands and water from the lagoon flowed up into them, forming a wet, swirling globe, reminding Rose of a snow globe or soap bubble. Then the water slowly dripped out through her fingers again until only a shiny object remained. It was a small box, inset with gleaming pearls and seashells.

"This was made from a piece of my castle a long time ago. The holder of it will be caught in timelessness, just like visitors to my home. No time will pass as long as its lid is closed."

"Would it save me from becoming a ghost?"


"Can I have it?" Rose stared at her, not quite daring to hope again after all the setbacks.

"Yes." She placed the item in Rose's hand. "But..."

"I knew there was a but," she groaned.

"The Pearl Box works both ways. If someone is stuck outside time, bound in immortality... then they could open it and become free."

"Will Turner..." Rose's shoulders slumped. "It could free him from the Dutchman?"


Rose's eyes again filled with tears. How could she make such an impossible choice? Her life for Will's and Elizabeth's happiness? It was not fair.

"That's a horrible choice you're giving the poor girl," said Barbossa. With all that had happened, she had almost forgotten the bound pirate was even there.

"I only have one box." Calypso shrugged.

"But you said the Dutchman must have a captain... that it will not let him go?" said Elizabeth.

"If he leaves, someone must take his place."

Rose stared at her, feeling her choices narrowing down. An icy chill seeped through her body. She was meant to do this. To open the box for Will and take his place as captain. To be forever bound to the Flying Dutchman.

Sure, she would be alive, of sorts. But still... She glanced at Jack. Ten years at sea, one day ashore. Would he wait for her?

Knowing Jack, probably not.

"I give you three days to decide, then I'll return." Calypso took her daughter's hand and backed out into the deeper part of the lagoon. "Put that out." She nodded at the still burning remains of the wooden pig.

Gibbs fetched a bucket of water and with a hiss smoke billowed up around him as the fire was drenched. And then the sea goddess and her daughter were gone, with only a series of slowly spreading circles on the surface as proof they had ever been there.

Rose in the Caribbean // Jack Sparrow x RoseWhere stories live. Discover now