Chapter Fourteen - Brother VS Sister

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I felt an odd sense of happiness after I found the secret room of my mother. I would always be sneaking off when I had spare time to her secret room and clean it up a bit. I didn't ask anyone in the house if this used to be the home of my mother since it would bring up questions about me knowing that.

Mae also had been a bit more affectionate with me after I told her I loved her. I found it embarrassing but I enjoyed this close relationship between us. It felt like me and Mae were a family. I told Sybil that and when I mentioned that I sort of saw him as an older brother he got upset for a while and was mumbling to himself for a few days. I didn't bother to ask him what was wrong since it wasn't getting in the way of his work.

During a quiet day in my home where I was looking through my black book, Mae knocked on my door before coming in with a letter in her hand. Taking the letter from her I saw it was from my 'father'. I didn't understand why he didn't just call me through the phone that was in my house but could only let out a frustrated sigh as I went to read the letter.


There will be a magic competition in three days. I have already signed you up for it so I assume you will be prepared for it. Don't disappoint me, your brother will also compete so don't drag him down.

-Myles Giliam

I read through the letter many times before I crumpled it up and threw it on the ground. I was rubbing at my head when I felt a painful headache appear. I could feel an arm go around me as I was squeezed gently. Mae had a concerned look in her eyes but she was giving me a comforting smile.

"I'm fine Mae. Just feeling tired. It seems like I have to do a competition in three days. It would have been nice if I was told sooner but it doesn't matter." I spoke indifferently but I could feel a flash of pain go through my hands as I dug my nails into my palms. The pain had helped me get my emotions back under my control.

"You know it is fine to be not fine. No one will blame you for that. You are a child and children don't always have to be fine." Mae was rubbing at my shoulder and saying comforting words to me but it didn't feel like that. I got out of Mae hold and ignored the hurt look that went through her face for a second.

"I am fine Mae. I will always be fine and nothing will change that. I have to be fine and not being fine means I am showing my weakness." I could feel an itchy feeling appearing in my heart as I said this. It was so irritating but I forced myself to ignore it.

"I want to be alone for today. Send my food up to my room and only call me if something urgent needs my attention." I wasn't looking at Mae as I said this to her. I felt hollow as I spoke coldly to Mae like this but I didn't like how she saw me as someone who needed to be comforted. I don't need that. I am fine. I. Am. Fine.

"...I understand." Mae's voice sounded upset as she left my room. I didn't know how her expression was and I didn't allow myself to imagine it either.

I went back to looking through my black book, more determined with my reading. I am not allowed to lose in this competition. I am going to be the winner no matter what. That's all that matters....

During the three days, I was forcing myself to combine the magic that I learned in different ways. I had to be perfect in both my defense and offensive so that no one will be able to defeat. I wasn't able to look at Mae during these three days but once I win everything will be better for me. It will be fine. I am fine.

During the day of the competition, I went to the stadium where the competition was happening. Since I couldn't bring all my servants from my home I only had Mae and Sybil with me. Eli was there too, he wanted to support me during the magic competition and I didn't think much of it. I was only focused on the competition.

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