6 - epilogue

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*5 years later*

Harry's pov

,,Hey Hazza?" Louis called breaking the silence. We were sitting in the car looking at the stars, both lost in our thoughts.

,,Hm?" I hummed turning around so I was facing him. Shine of moonlight was making him even more beautiful and I felt mesmerized. I was so in love with him, I could cry. I loved how his eyes would crinkle when he smiled, how angelic he sounds when he sings, the way his face lights up when he talks about something that he loves, how he'd get mad over simplest things, every his habit. Simply, I loved him.

,,Do you see me in future by your side?"

Is he kidding me? Since the moment I layed my eyes on him, I imagined how it would be like being his. When I couldn't sleep I would imagine our future together, our family.

,,Yes, of course"

,,Okay love, I want to show you something now" he smiled. I was confused, but nonetheless I followed him.

He turned on the engine and started driving through familiar roads.

,,This is the place we shared our first kiss" he said pointing to the meadow. The fact that he remembered it made me feel giddy and butterflies erupted in my stomach.

,,This was the café where we had our first date" he said when we approached it. I couldn't help but wonder how did I ever get so lucky to be able to call someone like him mine.

He stopped beside the park and opened the door for me. I remember this park clearly. We used to come here every Friday and just talk. Some of my favorite memories were made here.

,,Follow me bub " he said offering me his hand.

,,And this" he said getting down on one knee ,,is the place I'll finally make you mine forever".

I stood there mouth agape, shooked. Is he saying what I think he is?

,,Since the moment I layed my eyes on you, I knew that you were the one. I woved to protect you from everything bad and I plan on keeping that promise. I want nothing else, but for you to feel happy and loved. I want to make you smile, to spoil you, to be there for you. I want to be the one you think of as someone who will be there by your side till the end. And most important, I want to be yours forever. Harry Edward Styles, will you marry me?" he asked looking at me hopefully. By the time he finished, tears were streaming down my face uncontrollably.

,,Yes,yes,yes!" I sobbed hugging him tight. We stayed like that for what seems like forever, enjoying each other's touch.


,,Yeah?" I asked pulling apart and looking in those blue eyes that I fell in love with.

,,I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life."

The end.

This sucks ass but it's finished!! Not gonna lie, feels great finishing what I promised I will.

Opinions? 👀

stay safe babes ily and thank you.

young & in love ⤏ l.s. (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now