Gokus New Form

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"Huh" I blinked awake and saw the army's of IT. There stood vegeta now a ssj5. I needed to summon my new form. First things first I need to be oozaru. I stared at the moon, my body was getting bigger till finally great ape was achieved! Next was the hardest "GRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHH" finally ssj3 oozaru. Next "Vegeta cut off my tail" I yelled. "Alright Kakarot you ready" he said "yup all clear vegeta " alright here goes "Hyaaaah", suddenly my body shrank to normal size but now in my new golden form. "What, ahead of me again Kakarot"! "well vegeta lets destroy these guys" "now that's more like it Kakarot". I began by grabbing and swinging it around nocking others away, then I began beating them down with another one. Despite all my efforts they just fixed themselves. "Vegeta I've got a plan but first we gotta lead these guys to a different planet" "you're not thinking about doing-No we're not that desperate yet Kakarot". "alright but we've gotta get them away from earth". We began our flight to planet Frieza B-21. "I wonder if there's remnants of friezas army". "rember Vegeta we have to save Earth". As the army of IT landed it began sucking in its other forms "now that we're on lord Friezas planet you should all give up to CAPTIAN GINYU". " Vegeta do you have any plans". "Sadly yes I do we've got to fuse". "Alright here goes-wait you're not ssj6"."Looks youll have to show me how". "Alright I showed him the whole process I did he repeated it and there he stood ssj6.

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