Pit x Ruby One-shot comfort

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Pit had been peacefully sleeping next to his girlfriend Ruby . When he was woken up by the sounds of whimpering and crying and thrashing. Pit's eyes opened wondering what was happening before remembering his girlfriend who had been sleeping peacefully next to him . And saw that sweat was pouring off her and and she was shifting uncomfortably and kept whimpering and then started to softly crying.

Getting out of his shock he crawled over to her and pulled her close stroking her hair softly and rubbing her shoulders softly with his other hand .

   Ruby POV

Ruby had been sleeping peacefully dreaming of sweets.Zwei , and her,boyfriend Pit when the dream turned dark and her she saw all her friends getting killed and then she saw her sister get impaled with a sword and Pit's wings were torn off  by an unknown person . She was powerless to watch her loved ones get ripped to shreds before her eyes . When she suddenly woke up .

Pit who had been trying to wake his girlfriend for at least 10 minutes when he felt her stir .

"Mmhm ugh w-what...Pit y-you'r not dead ? "
Ruby whispered somewhat to herself but Pit has managed to hear her and stared at her in confusion before getting tackled by his girlfriend tightening her grip on him as she started sniffling and nuzzling her face into his chest .

Pit after a few seconds embraced her cradling her close into a protective embrace  "do you want to talk about it ?" He questioned her softly . In response Ruby just shock her head as she was still traumatized by the dream . At that he decided to let it go until she felt comfortable talking about it but for now he would just comfort her and try and keep her mind off it .

Im sorry that sucked  if you want a full (at least to me ) detailed version of her nightmare or another version of this chapter tell me in the comments . For either .

Til next time =]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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