Now there are some out there that have read my previous words and think to themselves, "Fraud? Impossible!"

But I implore those who think that to really examine that statement and think about it. If one thinks that to themselves without even considering the possibility then they are lost. They have been completely indoctrinated by the left to the point where they consider a non-left statement to be completely ludicrous. To those I say, please do some genuine research and educate oneself because there has and is indeed fraud. There are thousands of signed affidavits confirming this.

The software program called Dominion is one of the biggest perpetrators of this fraud, aside from of course the millions of illegitimate votes cast by mail. Those who 'fact checked' whether or not votes were switched, deleted, or not even counted are owned by the left and therefore are expected to make such statements. Their ties to the left invalidate any credibility they may hold.

The whole purpose of Dominion was to steal elections, they are used in other countries including Venezuela. Venezuela is, with no surprise, one of the worst countries in the world due to the amount of poverty, pollution, and corruption that goes on in. Venezuela wanted its freedom from Spain and once Spain relinquished its grip, it sunk faster than a rock in a pond. From packing their courts to Dominion voting, it became a socialist country, and one of the worst ones at that.

But we are supposed to use those same systems and completely trust them? Oh and of course, Dominion, which started in 2019 serves all of Georgia's voting elections which are one of the most important runoffs in the country now. We are now supposed to cast our confidence in a software program, which is proven to be corrupt, to decide the direction our Senate is going in? To decide who our President is? I don't think the democrats have to move to Georgia to vote, it looks like Dominion already has them covered. After all they do hire people like Eric Coomer, someone with Antifa connections, so anything goes for Dominion.

But this isn't about Georgia's runoffs, which I may address in a later article, this is about the Presidential race. The Presidential race that the Democrats are attempting to steal. No this is not a right wing conspiracy, anyone with eyes can see the fraud. How could Joe Biden, who got more Trump supporters at his rallies to have a mini rally in the parking lot of his rally, than actual Biden supporters get more votes than Hillary Clinton. No, forget Hillary, he got more votes than Barack Obama.

The "Anointed One" of the Democrat party. The "greatest democrat since JFK". The democrat that was worshipped by the left as being one of the greatest men of his time. The one who got a Nobel Peace Prize after a mere 12 days in office. He barely had time to put his feet up on the Oval Office desk before he was handed a prize for doing nothing. So how does Joe Biden beat THAT?

It is mathematically and statistically impossible for Joe Biden to get that many votes, unless of course there is fraud involved. The only thing is that when they were harvesting ballots, they didn't expect President Trump to also get more votes than Former President Obama. So to beat him out they had to make up more votes which gave a total vote tally that was highly suspicious. Joe Biden underperformed immensely. He lost minority support to an embarrassing amount.

Not only this but there was a red wave across the country. We have more governors, we maintained control of state legislatures where we had, and we gained both New Hampshire's legislative houses in an effort to take back our hold on New England which is notoriously blue. Since 2010, we have steadily been taking back control of our states.Which comes to the question, if the people of, for example, New Hampshire voted for repulibcan state government, why would they vote all republican except for Donald Trump? Most people don't vote that way. People go right down the ticket so for this to happen in almost every state is very questionable. This happened in many states including the battleground ones where Joe Biden miraculously won. The reason the left will tell you is that Joe Biden inspired so much support that people had to vote for him no matter what. The reason is that to cover their cheating backs, when the Democrats made the faulty ballots, they only did it for the presidential race. They only had fake ballots for the Presidential Race.

The reason this is is because if they voted Democrat in smaller races, the ballot is then assigned to the county or region it came from which makes it easier for it to be tracked and overturned. If they vote in just the big race, then they cannot track the ballot back to a certain region, it is just a ballot and no one knows from whence it came. That is why the Democrats couldn't have the blue wave they were hoping for.

Of course, if no one disputes this election and Joe Biden is inaugurated, there will be a killing in the 2022 races and slowly republicans will be cheated out of their races until we have a one party system. That is why we cannot say to ourselves 'we'll get em next time'. There WILL BE NO NEXT TIME if the Democratic Party gets away with this. We WILL become a socialist nation and we WILL lose everything that makes this great nation great. That is why we MUST go and be proactive in our desire to stop the steal. America calls upon all of us to protect her constitution and the tradition of the American Dream. Without Patriots who care about our amendments and constitution, this nation will fall in the dark shadow of socialism. 

Let us not be the generation that lets our freedom go extinct. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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