Chapter 8: A Legend Thought Gone

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Dooku's office, usually a haven of calculated serenity, hummed with unease. The Force, a tapestry he had spent decades unraveling, thrummed with a discordant note. It wasn't the familiar tremor of a Jedi's blade, nor the chaotic symphony of a battle. No, this was a nascent echo, a ripple in the Force unlike anything he'd encountered.

He closed his eyes, focusing his mental tendrils. The echo emanated from Republic territory, specifically Umbara, a world soaked in the blood of clones and Jedi alike. A grim smile played on his lips. Umbara, where the Republic's arrogance had been humbled, where a flicker of doubt had begun to spread amongst their ranks.

But this... this was something else. A faint, yet undeniable, presence, tinged with the potent echoes of an ancient power. Revan. The name sent a shiver down his spine, a ghost from a bygone era. Revan, the Jedi who defied the Council, danced with darkness, and ultimately succumbed to it. Now, it seemed, his essence lingered, a spark of his power caught in the turmoil of Umbara.

Dooku's eyes snapped open, glinting with predatory hunger. Revan's power, harnessed, could tip the scales of the war decisively in his favor. But how to access it? The answer, he realized, lay within the very conflict that birthed the anomaly. Two clones, Karno and Fives, conduits for Revan's fractured spirit.

He activated his holoprojector, the blue hologram of General Grievous flickering to life. The cyborg wheezed, his metallic rasp grating on Dooku's nerves. "Grievous," Dooku began, his voice laced with chilling calm, "I have a mission of utmost importance."

Grievous, ever the pragmatist, cut through the preamble. "Target?"

Dooku chose his words carefully. "They are not targets, Grievous. Vessels. Revan, the Jedi-turned-Sith, his spirit lingers, fragmented. It echoes within two clone troopers on Umbara - Karno and Fives. You will capture them, bring them to me."

Grievous's yellow eyes narrowed. "Revan? You want me to fetch ghosts?"

Dooku's smile widened, devoid of warmth. "Not ghosts, Grievous. Echoes with immense potential. Imagine, the power of Revan at our disposal. The Republic will crumble before its might."

The cyborg's metallic claws retracted and extended. "It shall be done, my lord."

Dooku watched the hologram flicker out, his satisfaction laced with a sliver of unease. He knew Grievous's loyalty was fickle, his thirst for power insatiable. But for now, their goals aligned. He turned back to the window, gazing at the distant stars. The war raged on, but a new game had begun, a game with stakes that transcended even galactic domination. The echoes of Revan, a pawn in his grand scheme, promised a power he could only begin to fathom.

 The echoes of Revan, a pawn in his grand scheme, promised a power he could only begin to fathom

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Dooku paced his study, the hologram of Darth Sidious flickering before him. The crimson glow cast an unsettling pallor on the Count's weathered features. In hushed tones, he recounted his discovery on Umbara, the faint tremor in the Force, the whispers of a name long feared and revered: Revan.

"Intriguing," Sidious rasped, his voice a chilling caress. "The Jedi would deem this an abomination, a blasphemy against the natural order. But we, my friend, see opportunity."

Dooku inclined his head, a predatory glint in his eyes. "Indeed. Revan's power, even fragmented, could tip the scales decisively. Imagine," he allowed a dangerous smirk to play on his lips, "an army fueled by a Sith Lord's fury, led by a clone vessel."

Sidious chuckled, a low, ominous sound. "A puppet king, dancing to the strings of the dark side. Most amusing, Dooku. But how do we harness this... echo?"

"I have dispatched Grievous to retrieve the two clones, Karno and Fives," Dooku explained. "Through meticulous interrogation, perhaps even Sith rituals, we can coax Revan's essence to the surface."

Sidious steepled his fingers, his gaze piercing through the hologram. "And what of Grievous's loyalty? He craves power as much as we do."

Dooku met his gaze unflinchingly. "He serves his own ends, but for now, our goals align. He hungers for the galaxy to tremble, and what better tremor than the return of Revan?"

"A gamble, wouldn't you say?" Sidious mused, his amusement fading. "The dark side is not easily controlled, Dooku. Even a fragment of Revan's power could prove... unpredictable."

Dooku's expression hardened. "The risks are calculated, my Lord. If successful, the reward outweighs them immeasurably. The Jedi will be thrown into chaos, the Republic will crumble, and the galaxy will kneel before the true power of the Sith."

Silence descended, thick with unspoken ambition and apprehension. Sidious's image flickered, his voice echoing eerily. "Proceed, then, Dooku. But remember, even pawns have the potential to become players. Tread carefully, lest Revan's spirit consume you instead of serving you."

With a snap, the hologram vanished, leaving Dooku alone in the crimson afterglow. His face reflected a mixture of determination and unease. He had set in motion a chain of events with consequences that could either elevate him to unimaginable power or consume him in the shadows. The fate of the galaxy, it seemed, now rested on the fragile shoulders of two clone troopers and the fractured spirit of a fallen Jedi Lord.

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