It Gets Better! She's Also An Alcoholic!

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In an exasperated sigh, Ainsworth plops down in the large chair behind the desk, her tiny frame sinking into the cushions. I help myself to a seat opposite her, watching as she pulls out a massive bourbon bottle from her desk and pours herself a large glass.

She offers me some but I refuse. "I'm good thanks," I say, glancing at my watch, "Little too early for me."

She scoffs but sits up. "So Mr Holland, I take it you're interested in continuing with one of our Second Chancers?" She pulls out a stack of papers from her desk like Mary Poppins. Seriously, I had no idea where she kept all this stuff.

"Yeah I am," I say, adjusting my jacket coat. I wore something a little more fancy today for the signing. It wasn't much, but I wanted to make it feel special.

"And who are you interested in?" She reads off a couple of names from her folder, showing me each their pictures, "Benji Sanford seemed very fond of you, even Piero Jerry or Felix Thorsten would also be optimal choices. There's also Tim-"

"I would like Morgan Jones." I cut her off and she sends a death glare my way. Honestly, the scowl on her face, you could hang meat cleavers off of it. It took all the strength in my body to not burst into laughter.

It takes Ainsworth a second to respond. "I'm sorry but you can't have her."

"Because you're taking such good care of her?" I snap.

She's taken aback, " 'Scuse me?!"

I sigh, "Look, is Morgan part of Second Chance Children?"

"Well, yes but-"

"Then I would like to choose her."

Ainsworth sighs and reshuffles her papers, "Mr Holland, I don't think you understand. Mor- The girl you would like to choose- Doesn't have the best record with previous families."

I don't respond. I had a feeling Mrs Ainsworth just didn't want me to pick up Morgan. After a couple more seconds of blank staring, I seemed to get the point across.

She sighs again, adding an eye roll, before picking up the phone on her desk. "Winifred? It's Mrs Ainsworth. Please bring... Morgan, into my office." She paused before saying Morgan's name as if she was Voldemort or something. The thought humoured me.

While waiting for Morgan to walk in, Ainsworth takes out even more papers from her desk, these the ones I assumed I had to sign. (Seriously though, where were all these things coming from?!) She pulls out a pen and starts signing and dating some of the papers.

After a minute or two, Morgan appears from the door with a small bag over her shoulder, accompanied by who I assumed was 'Winifred'. (This time not pushed or shoved like how Ainsworth liked to treat her.) I offer her a wave and she smiles back.

Ainsworth doesn't offer Morgan a chair, so she doesn't sit down till I pat the seat beside me. Morgan mouths a quiet thank you.

The old woman thrusts a handful of papers in my direction. "Sign where indicated." She nods towards Morgan, "You too girl."

Morgan speaks up, "You know I have a name-"

Ainsworth shoots her one of her iconic death glares.

Morgan stops talking.

Broken Half: A Tom Holland StoryWhere stories live. Discover now