Chapter 5

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Paradis...a name which roughly meant paradise in Marleyan, was the complete opposite,it was hell,poverty,disease and hunger things which had ruptured through the walls,noone was left untouched,except of course,the nobles.
I was sitting on a carriage and thinking...we are devils...we are...but we are so because we live in hell,this was nothing but adapting.
And my heart burned,with rage,as to how,anyone could do this to another human person.

"Fucking shithole"-I muttured out to the air as Annie put her hand on my shoulder signaling me to shut up.
I sighed and looked at the passing ground.

"Y/N,L/N"-I said at Keith Shadis,he looked at me with fatigue in his eyes,he couldn't be bothered to shout at me,either way it wouldn't break me.
"Where are you from"-He asked trivially.
"My homeland,uhm...ehrm south of Wall Maria's entrence"-I muttured trying to regain my composure,no exposing secrets to them...if they become aware,than it would be too hard to contain them...why was I remebering this,that was months ago,I looked outside...darkness,perfect.
I jumped out of bed quietly and creeped my way outside the bunker,I ran as fast as I could,after minutes of constant running I finally arrived...The Lake.
This place was beautiful,it wasn't touched by industry or anything of the sorts,a perfect place to do some training.
I pulled my knife out and prepared myself,again...


The blood spilling caught my glimpse only for a second as I was engulfed with lights,the blood quickly drenched my hand as I clutched it digging my nails inside,the pain...felt great,like a dopamine shot.And than....


I was again reborn into the Warhammer Titan,I blew off steam as I slowly put my titan inside the water.
Completely still,alone,with nothing but my thoughts,the lake was deep enough so my entire titan was submereged.
I sighed and closed my eyes.
No muscles moved,I'm pretty sure I didn't even breathe.
I would do this 2 times a week,and it made me feel stronger,it built up my endurance.
I felt great as I broke away from the flesh of the titanic body after laying in there for hours.

I was walking slowly towards the barracks.
I opened the door with a flinging movement.
Eyes laid on me for a moment as I quickly navigated my way through the tables which filled the barracks,many of the recruits were eating.

I sit on the same table as Annie,Reiner,Bertholdt and Ymir.
And a certain blonde girl which was now associating with Ymir.
I grabbed the seat and pulled it,I sat on the hard wooden chair,being extremely uncomfortable.
"Who is this"-I asked Ymir as she immediately stopped conversing with her and answered me assertively-"Krista Lenz"
I extended my hand out to her-"Nice to meet you Krista,I am..."
"I already know who you are"-She said softly as she extended her hand and made contact with mine,a jolt of electricity bolted through my entire body.
She was a royal...My eyes extended in shock.
"Oi Krista,go off"-I said to her as she frowned and looked at her feet as she got up.
"Meeting outside in ten minutes"-I muttered to The Warriors and Ymir.

I walked and sat on a pile of wooden planks,I heard urgent footsteps behind me as someone regained their breath.
"Ymir"-I mentioned her name at the sight of the woman.
"Don't do that,ever again"-She said slowly and catiously.
"Or"-I asked her,provoking an answer.
"I'll leak info"-She threatend.
"Yeah,they'll believe you"-I said sarcastically-"you'll be laid off as an insane person,your best bet is to keep your mouth shut and listen to me"-I said as I got on my feet and walked towards her.
She looked hurt.
I looked at the ground for a bit-"She is of royal blood"
"Yeah,I know"-Ymir answered.
"You know what that means right"-I asked her while I made eye contact with her.

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