Hieronymous Hell

94 33 19

of frogs
and popcorn
two young terrorists
boasted, pop-eyed.

Detailed torture
with moist tongued delectation.

'Ya roll a nice crumbly, damp one.'
(They meant a log)

'Put one hand ahead, one above - to make them hop. They're pretty dumb.'
(They meant frogs)

'Tell ya mum, ya need it for a speriment, ya'll bring it back afta.'
(They meant the saucepan)

'Fill 'er up wid poppingcorn, then pop the bugger in.'
(They meant - let the fun begin)

I heard the sizzle.
Felt the sticky, frantic plops.

First wet,
then sickeningly crisp.

the scorched slime smell
lynched by cereal bombardment.

Snap! Crackle!
Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!
and wished the little fucks to a Hieronymous* hell.

Hieronymous Bosch, artist, see accompanying image.


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