Chapter 3

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I'm pretty sure this is some cliche lucaya shit I wrote back when gmw was on it's first season bahahaah ah the good old days when I hardcore shipped them and the writers hadn't fucked their relationship up !!! anyway I'm talking to myself at this point with these author notes like anyone is actually reading this lmao 

Maya woke up to the sound of pots clanging and bear bottles breaking. A pandemonium of shouting and slamming erupted from downstairs.

She opened her eyes, and took in her surroundings. Of course, she was back home. Where else would she hear the all the screaming and yelling?

She slowly got out of bed, her head pounding. Her vision was a little blurred and everything sounded louder than usual. Did she have a dream hangover or something?

What the hell happened? All she remembered was being at school and...

The dream suddenly came back to her. It was so vivid and fresh in her mind. Almost like it actually happened.

"Remember, Maya. Remember who you were. You who are."

Those words sent a chill down her spine. What did they mean?

She put her old hoodie on and a pair of jeans and ran downstairs to see what mom was shouting about this time.

Her mother's stupid boyfriend Gabe was there.

Maya hated him.

"You need to stop getting drunk all the time, Gabe!" Shouted her mother. "I have a daughter in this house that I need to take care of, and I can't have you wandering around the house drunk 24/7!"

"I," slurred Gabe, "am, not, drunk."

Maya groaned.

"Yeah and I'm Madonna." She muttered.

Both adults turned towards her, only now acknowledging her presence.

"What, did you...just say?" Groaned Gabe. He didn't appreciate her sarcasm. At all.

She just ignored him and grabbed her schoolbag, ready to head out.

"I said, WHAT. DID. YOU. SAY?" Shouted Gabe, clenching his beer bottle tightly in his hand.

Here we go again. Another Gabe-is-extremely-pissed-for-no-reason-whatsoever moment.

"I said that your drunken ass isn't good enough for my mother and I strongly suggest for you to get the hell out of my house." Maya gave him the best fake smile she could muster.

Gabe's face turned red with rage. He drunkenly whipped his bottle at Maya when she turned around to leave, and it shattered into millions of pieces as it hit the door, inches away from her face.

Maya heard her mother gasp, and she held her breath. This man was crazy. How much longer did she have to wait before her mother dumped his sorry ass? Another three years?

Her mom tried to approach Maya to see if she was okay, but Gabe grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Let the bitch go." He grumbled.

Maya had plenty of comebacks that were just waiting to be said, but she didn't say any of them.
She didn't say anything. Maya just walked out, wishing more than anything that she could defend herself against that bastard.

Maya was walking to the subway when she came across Lucas.

"Hey Maya-" His eyes widened and he gasped. Concern and fear appeared in his eyes.

"Oh my god are you okay? What happened?"

"What are you talking about?" She asked. She followed his eyes to where he was looking at and noticed a shard of glass in her arm. A string of blood trickled down her elbow.

"Oh shit." She said.

Lucas grabbed her arm gently.

"What happened?"

She pulled out some tissues and wiped the blood off.

"Nothing. It's fine."

"No it's not! You have a piece of glass in your freaking arm Maya!"

She glared at him.

"I'm FINE. I didn't even realize it until now, it doesn't hurt. Okay? It's fine-"

Lucas didn't let her finish. He grabbed her other arm and pulled her towards him. Then, he dragged her into his car, against her many protests.

The car ride was silent mainly because Lucas was stressed out and didn't have the wonderful skill of driving and talking at the same time.

Lucas pulled over and parked in front of the hospital. They walked in, gave their name and sat down.

They were waiting for quite a while when Lucas asked:

"Can we call your parents or something...?" He tried to read Maya's expression.

" it's fine." She replied, looking down at the hospital floor's shiny tiles.

"Maya, look at me." Said Lucas angrily. He cupped his hands and placed them gently on her shoulders, pulling her towards him. Their faces were inches away, their noses practically touching. "It's NOT fine. Stop saying that."

"Lucas, you're missing school for this. For me. What will your parents say when they figure out that you ditched school to take some girl to the hospital?"

He shrunk back, hurt. His eyes were filled with a mixture of concern, pain and anxiety.

"You aren't just some girl."

He looked at her, taking every inch of her in. Her icy blue eyes, her long, blond hair, her cute little nose, her soft lips.

"You are Maya Hart. They know who you are. You're the girl who teases their son, who bought them cowboy hats for Christmas, who helped my mom make the muffins for our project...They know who you are, and they like you. And they wouldn't mind if I missed school to help you."

Maya smiled sadly.

"Thanks, Bucky McBoingBoing." She said using an old nickname.

"You know that's my favorite one." Lucas laughed.

He gazed into her eyes, the look of concern sweeping off his face as the nurse called Maya's name.

"Let's go." He said.

Maya nodded following him into the room.


The glass was now out of her skin, and her arm was wrapped in a bandage. Maya and Lucas sat in his car, parked in front if their school.

"Well there's no point in going in now." Said Lucas. "School is over in 10 minutes."

Maya laughed. They spent all day at the hospital. She didn't know why it was funny, maybe because Mr.Perfect actually missed a full day of school.

Lucas turned towards her, smiling.


She looked at his soft brown eyes.

"Nothing." she said, biting her lip, smiling.

"Nothing?" He laughed. He slowly leaned in.

Maya laughed along with him, leaning in too.

"Nothing." She whispered as their lips met.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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