All My Heart [Alex Gaskarth] for AllTimeWeekend

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UGH. Again, I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting as long as I did!  But here it is, at last! I really hope you like it.  This was another idea that I had floating around in my head for the longest time and I thought it would be perfect if it were to happen to me.  Enjoy! :)



There's so many things that I could say, but I'm sure it would come out all wrong.  You got something that I can't explain.  Still I try and try to let you know . . .


I held my microphone up as the guitar wailed its final note of our last song. I grinned as the crowd started screaming. We weren't the headlining band, but they cheered as if we were.

"Thank you so much!" I shouted into the microphone, trying to be heard over the din. "Seriously, Chicago, you guys have probably been the best crowd on this whole tour so far, I'm not even joking. Don't you agree, Dylan?"

Dylan nodded his head, throwing his hands up in the air for effect, and very nearly dropping his bass in the process.

Giggling, I turn back to the crowd, who is still hooting and hollering pretty loudly. "Well, we're Boys In The Back and we hope you guys have a really awesome rest of the concert! All Time Low's up next, which is pretty cool, I guess. I mean, they're not as awesome as us, obviously, but still pretty cool."

I felt pretty proud of myself when I heard the laughter throughout the venue.

When I was up on stage, I was fearless. Of course when I'm off stage it is the exact opposite, but I love being able to pretend for thirty or so minutes that I can be someone different, someone not afraid to speak their mind, someone not afraid to just . . . live.

Off stage was a completely different story.  I was so self-conscious.  All the days in high school were spent worrying that the "popular" kids were judging me.  I worried nobody would want me because of my too-muscular legs that I got from dancing.  I even worried that my friends were conspiring behind my back.

But he . . .  he made all that worry just . . . go away.  Whenever I was with him, I didn't think about any part on my body that I didn't like.  I was his and he was mine and we loved each other no matter what.

That's why I am the way I am on stage.  I used to be a little more outgoing on stage, but now I'm free to be myself.  Just carefree and living it up on stage.

As we started walking off the stage, I heard the opening notes of a song come over the speakers.  At first, I couldn't quite place what song it was.  Then, a voice that was undeniably the voice of one Kellin Quinn came up and I instantly knew what song it was.

I remember his words the night this song became known as ours.

"It could be our song, if you want it to."

Instantly, I spun on my heel to find the reason for all of the screaming. And there was Alex Gaskarth holding a microphone in his hand and walking towards me.

I knew he was going to blow our cover. It was stupid that we had to hide our relationship from the people we cared about the most, but we had to.

Management didn't want us to be together right now. Not during the tour. It might look suspiscious. Boys In The Back was just starting to gain fame, and we were touring with All Time Low. It would look weird if I was dating Alex and all of a sudden we got famous.

But Alex and I didn't even care. By the time our management got around to telling us, we were head over heels in love.

"What the fuck are you doing, Alex?" I asked through gritted teeth, covering up my microphone.

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