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When I first open my eyes on the ocean floor, I am astounded by two things: one, how clear the water is; and two, how beautiful it is down here. There is coral on my right, sunfish to my left, and the distance is blue-green, like the center of a hot spring. The rays of light on the ground give it a heavenly look.

I start to lean upwards so that I can stand. It seems that the top rock is lighter, which is good because I can stand easier, but bad because now I’m anchored down.

I take another look around. Now what I see instead of coral is knives to cut the ropes. Instead of sunrays is light in order to see my work.

My lungs feel like they are going to burst, and I have a headache. I feel a sudden urge to breathe. Just open your mouth and – no! I’ve gotta remember Eden. I’ve practiced, just under different conditions. I can do this!

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