My Harum-Scarum Wife

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Without her I can't imagine my life.
Here's the tale of my harum - scarum wife.
Whenever I find her with a new bruise or burn.
Oh dear! How it happened, I ask with concern.
This is nothing, just small little things.
You don't worry, she would simply ding.
I must have banged into a table or chairs.
It could be the door or railing of stairs.
My hands were too full to take a note.
That addled look on her face, I simply dote.
And one day I saw a big burn mark.
Her arm had blisters and had turned dark.
Her answer left me really appalled.
It's not mine but the kettle's fault.
Woks and ladles, hammers and tools.
Doors and windows, chairs and stools.
Candles and kettles, forks and knife.
I wonder why are they after her life?
It has been with me as I am accident prone.
She often tells me in sombre tone.
When I tell her to be bit alert.
I will be in future, she will always blurt.
And one day she took my breath away.
When she happened to simply say.
I don't know what she meant when she said gleefully.
Remember! My love! We too had met accidentally.

Copyright © Shalu Dhillon.
1 If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Shalu Thakur Dhillon.
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