Ch 2 too young

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⚠️trigger warning suicide and self harm⚠️

-we were too young to know we had everything-
                                  Louis Tomlinson

I push my eyes shut praying that when I open them I'm in my room I slowly peel them open to see Harry standing in front of me I curse myself in my head for being such a moron
Harry calls before looking up to see who won the girl sadly turns around and leaves leaving just me and Harry i shyly look down
       "Well for someone who just won an hour with Harry styles you don't seem to happy" Harry's assistant says trying to cheer up the depressed mood we've created
I look up at her and give her a nice grin my lips don't manage to part I don't know what I would say so I just keep my mouth closed Harry walks torwards the room and opens the door gesturing his hand to show he's asking me to enter
I slowly walk forward making my way through the door with my head hung low Harry still has that god awful fake smile plastered on his face
  don't get me wrong he's gorgeous but I don't like to see him fake happiness

He shuts the door behind us and instantly his smile drops I sit down on the seat my head still hung low
"I'm sorry" I finally blurt out

       For what? Harry asks as he takes a seat

I shouldn't of come Idk what took over me I just I got your postcards and they made me happy..I stand up making my way infront of Harry trying to look him in the eye before continuing..I know that you came to my b&b for a break and I was just a silly little fling that came with it-
    Harry's face drops more than I thought was possible when he heard that
-but i actually developed feelings and it's no fair for you to play me like that and I got happy when I got a card even if you just sent them to keep a nice friendship and I'm just sorry that I feel this way..I just I needed to get that off my chest bye Harry- I start to make my way torwards the door
I turn around to face Harry
"I'm sorry to Louis"
I don't want to be your friend-
          My heart drops he could've just let me go but he just had to break me even more
-sure I loved walking along the beach at night, cooking dinner,dancing around the dining room,reading in the nook,singing and playing music while you sit and listen, watching movies, and just everything I missed it all but I don't want to be your friend Louis
        bc I loved all of that the most when I could call you mine
When I could hold your hand while on the beach and kiss you while grabbing more ingredients for dinner
I miss waking up to see your face across from mine and having someone right beside me on my runs I miss the way you'd die for your dog and your soothing voice when you would read to me it may not seem like it louis but I miss you so much so fucking much
    Before I know it I'm im running into Harry's arms I jump up on him my legs around his waist and arms around his neck I smash my lips into his I deepen the kiss quickly slipping my tongue into his mouth exploring every part that I've been missing these past few months he steps back falling onto the couch we sit there's making out for a few minutes (to many to count) then Harry pulls away
Louis I...
I jump off of Harry
I know...-I look down sadly- "your some famous pop star and I'm just some random guy who owns a b&b in the middle of no where we could never work"..I stumble over my words a little hating every single one that's coming out of my mouth I make my way torwards the door I'm about to leave but Harry blocks the exit
"Let me out"
    I want to shout but it comes out barley above a whisper

"No"He says firmly locking the door
Louis that's not what I was going to say..I want us to work I want to try the hardest I can to make us work
          My face lights up I look up to see him staring right back at me
    He unlocks the door now knowing I won't try to leave and gestures for me to take a seat on the couch I sit down

        We're both sitting criss  cross facing eachother he grabs my hands....I um I erh..want I wanted to uhh I'm not I wait no I'm..
I say it a little to loudly startling Harry
    "Sorry"i whisper looking at him basically asking him to continue
"Louis..I no I'm it's definitely I'm"
I chuckle a little
   "Louis Tomlinson I'm in love with you" Harry finally manages to get out
I don't respond I just sit and stare at him for a minute before crashing out lips together knocking him back on the couch causing me to fall on top of him (louis toplinson😉) he managed to get my shirt off i don't know when but i don't really care he starts to leave marks lingering all down my neck and collar bone god I missed him

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