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"Spencer your going to Seattle by your self, be courteous" Spencer thought for a moment and blurted out "did you know Seattle-" "oh no I'm not doing this again get on that plane to Seattle by nine pm tonight, pack a big bag you'll stay for a while, maybe a month."

"Lexie wake up" "oh shot Mark Mark wake up you have to leave now Meredith is coming up the stairs Mark wake up-" Mark wakes up yelling "what what's wrong" "we can't keep hiding in the attic, my sisters attic I feel like Anne Frank you have to tell Derek" "I'll get to it" says Mark. Lexie is in a hurry to find her clothes and she says,"are you kidding me, get up and get out" Mark laughs as he grabs his belongings and runs out of the attic towards the stairs and out the door, no one even turned to look who it was because they were all worried who will be the next chief resident.

"Lexie who were you doing it with last night you guys were pretty loud" "ah you know just a one night stand" "ok... just looking out for you as the best big sister in the world" she gives Lexie a weird look, Alex says something probably out of jealousy that an intern is getting more then he's giving "he was prolly a loser like O'Malley" O'Malley says "at least I didn't give people syphilis" "oh get over it, it was TWO FREAKING YEARS AGO" Lexie walks out as they keep bantering she smiles, she bumps into Derek as she's walking out, Derek says "who's car was parked in my spot all night it looked familiar" Lexie rushes out without saying anything.

As Lexie gets to work she gets pulled into an on call room "I have a thirty minutes " mark starts kissing her  "Mark I have rounds" Mark pouts and "says fine see ya tonight" Lexie turns then leaves the on call room fixing her hair, then gets ready for rounds. Derek walks in the rooms "ok who's presenting" hands go up and he chooses Lexie "This is Bryan Waters he just had surgery for his aneurysm, it's been a week since his surgery and everything is fine his vitals are good and he's been very responsive" "ok thank you what shall we proceed with?" He calls on another intern as Lexie leaves the room.

Spencer is sitting on the plane with a book in his hand. He's anxious to see what Seattle has to offer this time since he'll be there a while. His phone rings it's a call from Emily and JJ "Hey Reid Garcia did some research on that hospital apparently there's been a lot of stuff with the medical staff, fraud and trauma, there once was a bomb in a patient and a doctor stuck her hand in the person" "not really worse then we've seen right" says Spencer "Just be careful, fly safe." Spencer wasn't even phased by that phone call since he works in all this he had time to spare so he dozed off. The flight attendant wakes him up and says "excuse me sir the flight has landed"  thank you he says before he hurries out. Hotch calls Spencer and says "there's a car waiting for you outside the airport get on it it will take you to the hospital."

Spencer puts his bags in the trunk and gets in. "So you been to Seattle before" "yes I travel often" "what brings you here" "work" "oh nice man what you work" "I'm with the BAU behavior analysis unit" "oh you the feds" "yeah" "what they call you fed boy" "Dr. Spencer Reid" "well here this the spot good luck kid."

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