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Daniel PoV

 When I woke up I was all wet and I couldn't move my hands

 ??? : hey you, you finally woke up

 Daniel: (confused) where am I ?

 ??? : still on this stinking island

Daniel: What do you want from me? 

??? : Nothing, I just want you to shut up and not move 

Nick PoV 

I'm wearing the armor of those futuristic soldiers and they don't seem to notice me yet 

Soldier 1: where you've been for so long 

Nick (in disguise): Yeah, I'm going 

after a while he arrives at the camp

 Soldier 3: So you're finally here, the boss is waiting for you 

Soldier 1: Sure 

Nick (in disguise): Sure  

when we go around the camp I see a lot of bodies of soldiers but none of the bodies of my friends, there were probably big fights here, I wish Daniel and I had arrived earlier

Soldier 1: Sir, you say you wanted to see us

 a familiar figure comes out of the tent 

Olivia: The boss isn't here yet, but he said he wanted you to interrogate the prisoner 

Soldier 1: yes sir 

Nick (in disguise): Yes sir 

We both came to a different tent with 2 prisoners with sacks over their heads 

Soldier 1: You listen to that bitch over there and I'll listen to this one

 I go to the tied girl, barrel her bag from the head and find out it's Frankie 

Frankie: (cries) leave me alone, I've already told you everything 

Frankie was completely beaten and bleeding, I felt sorry for her 

Nick (in disguise): (whispers) frankie Frankie it's me I'll help you 

Farnkie: Nick, you're back where Daniel is 

Nick (in disguise): (whispers) quietly, I don't know where he is but I'll get you out of here just give me a second 

Frankie nods, I get up and go to the soldier, find out he's questioning Benny 

Benny: Fuck you both

 Soldier slaps her 

Soldier 1: Start fucking talking 

I come to him and stab him in the neck, the soldier falls to the ground and suffocates with his own blood, then I hide the body

Benny: (incomprehensibly) what the hell 

Nick takes off his helmet 

Nick: It's me Benny I'll get you out of here

When I untie Benny, he immediately jumps on me

Benny: I'll kill you

Nick: Wait, it's me

Benny: I know

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