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  (the inside of your house^)
    I was currently flying around at 9pm looking for a child predator I was paid to eliminate. The events from yesterday were still playing in my head. I looked below me and saw two men leading some kids into a van. "Gotcha." I swooped down and used my feathers to stab them in their arms. The poison took affect. I looked at the kids and saw they were shaking. I turned on my voice changer and calm them down. "Hey, hey don't worry you're going to be okay," I paused and looked at the men on the floor, "they're not going to hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you." I walked towards them and they flinched a little. "It's okay to be scared, here come with me," I held out my hand and all 3 of them grabbed on. "Have you guys ever wanted to fly?" I saw their eyes light up. "Y-yes," the little boy spoke. I nodded and picked him up. I flew up a little leaving the other kids on the ground. After I heard him laugh I landed and looked at the other kids. "Who else?" They all started smiling. I picked them all up and flew into the air.

"What are your names?" They all looked at me while we were flying. "My names Havena and this is my brother and sister," the older girl of the two spoke. I nodded. "I'm  Fuji," the little boy said. "and I-I'm Ania," the youngest spoke. "Well hi guys," I said while we flew. "W-whats your name?" I looked down and saw the youngest girl tugging on my hood. "Can I trust you guys?" I asked playfully. They all had a look of determination and nodded. I smiled underneath my mask, "I'm y/n but listen you can't tell anyone or else I may get in trouble okay?" They all nodded and the Havena spoke up, "Why?" I laughed a little, "Well you see people think I'm a bad guy, but I'm not okay. I get rid of the bad guys like the ones that wanted to hurt you," I explained. Havena nodded. "Do you think I'm a bad guy?" They all shook their heads and Fuji spoke, "I don't think you are, I mean you saved us." I nodded and laughed a bit.

We arrived at my house. "You guys are going to stay here for a while alright?" I put them down and they began to to run off. "Hey don't break anything." They ran upstairs and I shook my head. Kids. I flew back upstairs and called them all into my room. They sat on my bed and I began to ask questions. "Do you know where your parents are?" They all looked down. "It's okay you don't ha-," Havena cut me off, "No it's fine, they died a little after Ania was born so we stayed with with our grandma until she died," she began to tear up a little bit and I wrapped my wings around her, "after that we were on the street which is why the guys found us." I began to take off my mask and my voice changer. "You're going to be okay." I nodded and they all began to cry I wrapped the in my wings and they fell asleep. Guess they were tired.

I left a note next to my bed that they were sleeping in saying I was just going to get some food. I changed into regular clothes and walked out the door. Surprisingly no one recognizes me by my wings but I ain't gonna complain. I walked into a nearby store and got some ramen. "I hope they like this," I mumbled to myself. I got some of my favorite candy and some drinks. I paid for them and walked out the store. What the hell is going on? Everyone was running towards someone in the center of the paparazzi. I flew up a little and saw who it was. Oh it's bird brain. I landed and walked through the paparazzi. Someone bumped into me. "Ow dam-," "WATCH IT!" I looked up to see a woman with blonde hair staring at me. I picked up my groceries and looked at her. "Aren't you going to apologize?!" She is really getting on my nerves. I put on my innocent act and apologized, "O-oh I'm sorry ma'am." She rolled her eyes, "Yeah your people shouldn't even be here." My eye twitched. My people. MY PEOPLE BITCH WHO THE FUC- you know what calm down y/n. I looked at the woman and stared at her. "You said what now," I said. She looked me dead in my face, "Your people. You don't belong here." My eye was now twitching.

   While no one was looking I did a swift kick to her leg and she fell down. "HEY WATCH IT YOU-," "Woah woah what's going on?" I looked up to see bird brain walking towards us. The girl quickly got up and played the victim. "Sh-She kicked me." She grabbed ahold of the pro hero and I rolled my eyes. "ARENT YOU GOING TO TAKE HER TO JAIL?!" Lady what are you on? I looked at the bird brain and he looked in shock. I smiled, "Yeah, aren't you going to take me away," I said while smiling. "It-its you," he said. "Oop guess that's my cue to leave," I said. I used my wings to jump higher and jumped over the crowd. I saw him chasing me. That's kinda weird but okay.

  "ARE YOU HER?!" I looked back and flew onto a building. He followed and I sat down on the edge. He looked at me and I smiled. "Maybe." And with that I jumped off the edge and flew home. He didn't follow me and I flew through my window. Good they're still sleeping. I walked to my kitchen and made some ramen.

  "Y-y/n." I looked back to see Fuji walking down the stairs. "Oh hi, do you guys like ramen?" He nodded. I got four bowls and got them some. "Are your sisters up?" He nodded. "Can you bring them down?" "Okay," he said cheerfully. I poured them some juice and sat all the bowls and cups down on the countertop. They all came down and ate. I cheered them up and we played some games. I turned on a movie and we all fell asleep on my couch.

Author J Out

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