Meeting the Wither and Ender

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The K-Squad had arrived on Monster Island to see how the Earth Defenders were doing, it had been a few days since the second big attack

the crew travelled to a remote camping part of the island and set up

Travis: *begins to light the campfire* so, anyone up for stories?

Liam: nah *gives a yawn* I'd think I wanna hit the sack

Daniel: sure, Liam let's get some sleep.

The K-Squad went to sleep around the fire, the air remained warm for them to sleep outside.


Not too far from that an ender portal open opened and out came King Wither and Queen Ender

King Wither: so this is Monster island? Cozy

Queen Ender: hey, Wither? What's that? *Points to the campsite* let's investigate! *Cheerfully walks over*

Tyler: *yawns* man, what a nigh--- JESUS!!! GUYS WAKE UP!!!

Jacob: *wakes to see Ender* OH GOD!!

Travis attempted to reach for his gun, as did Taliesin but then Ender spoke

Ender: woah! Calm down, please I didn't mean to frighten you!

King Wither: that's right, we came to find Godzilla, I'm King Wither this is my queen Ender

Ashley: you both came from the End and the Nether?? Wow!

Brian: why are you looking for Godzilla?

Queen Ender: we came to help the Earth Defenders triumph over the enemy kaijus and stop the Xillians from invading the End.

King Wither: *nods* who are you people?

Tyler: we're the K-Squad, Monarch's best Kaiju research team, I'm Tyler, that's Jacob, Daniel, Matthew, Travis, Laura, Ashley, Marisha, Brian, Liam, Sam and Taliesin.

Queen Ender: nice to meet you all

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