Chapter 20

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Randall said" What did you do to her?"
Nicole said" Nothing. I came in and found her passed out in front of the lockers." I looked at Randall and went to Midnight's locker, Randall opened it.
We said" Oh, shit."
Randall said" She didn't transform."
Nicole said" Was she supposed to?"
" Give me a hand. Okay. Yep. Usually that's how this works. The hide jumps you, the hide bonds with you, then you run off and kill something."
" Maybe we should take her to emergency."
" Hospitals can't help. Knowing Gabrielle, she's just waiting to make an entrance."
" She is going to wake up, right?"
" Absolutely."
Randall said" We are not waiting any longer. It's already been two days."
Hamish said" We have no choice. The eruptions are growing more unstable."
" Which is all the more reason to go now. We need to get Lilith out before those eruptions make it impossible."
" You're assuming the Order will lose."
Jack said" You're assuming they'll win."
" We will, when Vera performs the obquidio niquaedo."
" And murders god knows how many people."
" To save God knows how many others. You've seen the news. The eruptions are out of control. The respondeos aren't working anymore."
" All Vera has to do is give them that damn Fors Factoram spell."
" This conversation is moot. We need four powerful practitioners to get Lilith back. We need Vera."
Randall said" We've got Nikki."
" She's only a magistratus."
" We're only magistratuses...eses."
Jack said" We're werewolves. A human magistratus isn't powerful enough to open a passage to the demon realm. Open a passage to the demon realm. What... what happened to me? I was gonna be a marine biologist."
" Oh, shit! Dude, you finally figured out your major."
" Marine biology, or film school."
Hamish said" Because That's what the apocalypse needs, more film student."
Randall said" There isn't going to be an apocalypse, because we're going to rescue Lilith and she's going to help us clean up this mess. And we just found our fourth practitioner." We got up, walking away from the table.
Jack said" Who? Who is it?"
I said" About that..."

We got to the den,
Randall said" Hey!" We saw Gabrielle and Nicole,
Nicole said" She's all yours."
" I knew you weren't dead." Then she flipped him over to the ground," Right you're a werewolf now."
Gabrielle said" You're getting sloppy, Greybeard."
" Ow. Yup."
Hamish said" So, Gabrielle, how are you feeling?"
Gabrielle said" I feel fine, Tundra."
" It's Hamish."
Randall said" You look... you look sturdy. Do you feel sturdier?"
Gabrielle said" I am sturdy, and strong. Committed to the cause."
Jack said" And Midnight, how is he treating you?"
" With respect, which is more than I can say for you."
" Yeah. Okay. Look. Don't take it personal. We have been a little distracted."
" Distracted? That's an interesting term for your selfishness."
" I'm not selfish."
" You nearly destroyed the Knights of saint Christopher and all we represent. And you three yaldsons stood by and let him."
Randall and I said" Yaldsons?"
Hamish said" That's an archaic term for the son of a prostitute."
" Oh. Hey!"
Jack said" Okay. What do you propose?"
Gabrielle said" Your wench apprised me of Timber's predicament."
Nicole said" Uh, that wench has a name."
" We retrieve our comrade, and we set things right."
Randall said" Damn. The new werewolf came to slay."

They were doing the spell, I was waiting outside, then they ran out as I heard the noise that comes with an eruption. Jack, Hamish, Randall and I walked back in,
Jack said" Maybe it was a dud."
Hamish said" That was a Tartarus eruption. It did something." I looked at Lilith's hide locker as it made whispering noises and creaks. Randall walked to it and opened it,
Randall said" Um... Does anyone remember there being a vortex inside this thing?"
Jack said" It smells like demon."
" Then the spell worked." He went to go in, Hamish grabbed him.
Hamish said" Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's a portal to the demon realm, but we have no idea where it's gonna take you."
Jack said" Hamish is right. The incantation is supposed to take you directly to Lilith." He closed it and it started caving in on itself.
I said" That's not good."

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