Chapter 15: Interlocking Fates

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NK had seen countless times of her muscled counterpart shaken and bewildered in the past. In fact, MT was once known as the 'fountain' back in the day due to his predisposition to cry when afraid or confronted with challenging adversity, although only a few know now of such a moniker.

And yet, what NK saw in his eyes right now was not fear...

It was terror... Plain. Awful. Terror.

"Are you really certain?!" NK asked forcefully as if asking again would yield a more digestible answer. "This is not something to joke about!"

MT turned his gaze at her, his brows furrowed, and his expression twisted into a frustrated snarl. "I am not joking damn it! I'm telling the truth! Dendritic has turned traitor and is attacking the Thymus!"

He waved his handheld radio in front of him as if for emphasis.

"If the Thymus falls," he continued, his voice now low almost like a growl.

"Then you can kiss the immune system goodbye," NK added, shaking her head with disbelief. Her nucleus still tried to deny what her mitochondrion already knew. Her annoying jacked-up friend was not lying, and there was no point in denying the truth.

The Thymus was an essential component of the world. It was in this lymphatic gland that the immune system's HQ was located, as well as the academy that train thymocytes in becoming matured KT cells. If Commander Helper T cell fell, then the war against the traitors would truly be lost.

The thought made her insides turned ice-cold.

As if looking for some guidance, NK made a quick glance to her side and saw her master wearing once again her usual mask of a cheerful smile as if unperturbed by the severity of the news. Lady Macrophage's face looked like a carved statue, never betraying any hint of emotion despite her inherent beauty.

"I see," the elder phagocyte slowly nodded her head.

Then Lady Macrophage's lips arched to form a concerning frown, finally breaking her cheery facade.

"That is very troubling," Lady Macrophage quipped as she bowed her head low. She placed a hand under her chin as if in deep thought of the ramifications of MT's report.

An uneasy silence descended upon the wrecked street. Both NK and MT stood quietly, not daring to disturb their mentor's contemplation.

Then a smile slowly crept back on the elder battle maid's lips. She looked up, her face lit up with her usual cheer. "It is regrettable that Dendritic-kun would choose the same fate as that of my apprentice."

She paused, and immediately the hairs on NK's back started to tingle. It only was a fleeting moment, but NK could see a flicker of fury burning in her master's eyes. For a second, NK felt her cold murderous intent emanating from her, and a second later, it was gone.

"Such a pity that he too must be eliminated with extreme prejudice." Lady Macrophage concluded.

For the briefest of moments, NK saw just how her master used subtle changes in her expressions as a way to give more emphasis to her words or actions. It was not that the elder battle maid was incapable of having a wide range of expressions, rather, she chooses to guard her emotions tightly until the last moment where she finally shows it with great effect.

Her insides started to churn as a realization suddenly dawned on her. She shuddered at the thought of how furious her master must have been when she chastised her for her self-loathing.

"Has Helper T-kun called for a general retreat to the Thymus?"

"No milady," MT shook his head. "However, Helper T is asking any unit that could quickly move back to reinforce the Thymus."

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