Sport festival Arc!

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Bakugo statse he doesnt know his classmates Quirk but when his battle with uraraka he says

"Your the one who makes things float.."

And in the Manga Bakugo calls Ochako,Angel face while in the Sub Anime he calls her Round face while in the Dub anime he calls her Pink cheeks.

For some reason Her nicknames arent very insulting and one of them is actually a Compliment!

During the match the crowd started Booing and he was Toying with her,Until Aizawa states that Bakugo was Taking her seriously and not lettig his Gaurd down.

Uraraka was the first to push bakugo to his Limits,while bakugo responded with a Genuine smile and says Its time for the Real match,and Called her by her last name which is a Sign of respect in Japan

But then Uraraka fall in Exhastion and The watchers or readers went to bakugo's Point of view we can see the background are white,Which means she is all the He could see in the moment.
He is shaken up from his Big Explosion quirk,And was suprised when Uraraka fell.

After the match,Bakugo went back to the seats,And Kaminari remaks he Cant beileve that bakugo can fight such a denfensless girl,
While bakugo Muttered

"Nothing frail about her"

In the manga after the match,When he met deku near the practice rooms he started Acusing him in being the mastermind of Uraraka's plan
And showed concern which he has not showed the others yet

"The plan that fling her self so dangerously!"

Bakugo is a source of Uraraka's Inspiration,She said

"I was thinking after my fight with Bakugo,If i become strong so many more opportunities can open up to me!"

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