Chapter 4

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Hope's family had been placed in a separate group with Hope, Landon, Josie and Lizzie leading them around what they were done with the tour they went to the dining hall for food, they were sat down when Hope's family started interrogating them on the monsters they had fought

HOPE-"Well we've fought a human dragon, a gargoyle, an arachni, a dryad, zombies, a necromancer, a merman, a oneri, a genie, a unicorn that was harvesting a parasite, a mummy, a gorgon, a cyclops, a samurai, a Croatian, a sphinx, a krampus and Pathos"

M-"But I don't remember half of those monsters.'

LANDON-"That's because they were sucked into a hell dimension called Malivore, which is my father, but because I stole one knife from this schools, armoury it unlocked Malivore.'

L-"Hope here then thought it was good idea to drop herself into that pit and close it for good which is why she was wiped from our memories but it didn't work because she hasn't activated her vampire side yet, so Malivore spat her out and were back to step one."

H-"Hope why would you do that to yourself?"

HOPE-"Malivore was made from the blood of a vampire, a witch and a werewolf and nature found a loophole by making me. I knew that to keep everyone safe and to stop Malivore from rising I needed to jump into that pit."

K-"What do you mean stop him, from rising?"

LANDON-"Since triad didn't think he could be killed they turned him into goo and locked him with three keys 2 knives and an urn."

J-"The dragon, the gargoyle, the arachni, the dryad, the zombies and the necromancer all came for the knife and the necromancer gave the knife to Malivore. The Merman, the parasite, the mummy and the genie came for the urn with the mummy giving Malivore the urn."

LANDON-"Then when Hope came to rescue me from triad my half brother dropped the second knife into Malivore seconds before Hope snapped my neck and jumped into the pit and erased herself from existence."

R-"Wait, if Hope snapped your neck how are you alive, did you die with vampire blood in your system?"

LANDON-"No I'm a Phoenix."

All the Mikaelson clan looked at Landon in disbelief and Josie, Hope, Lizzie and Landon started laughing.

They continued talking for about another 30 minutes before Alaric came up to them and tapped Hope on the shoulder and motioned for her to step away

"Excuse me a moment." Hope stepped away to the staircase with Ric

HOPE-"What's wrong?"

A-"A Mysterious fire in a house out of nowhere, don't know how it started but it set off our alarms."

Hope nodded and Ric walked to his office, Hope took a deep breathe and shouted

"Super squad, suit up, rendezvous in Dr Saltzman's office in 15 minutes."

Immediately Josie, Lizzie, Landon, Kaleb, MG and Rafael all jumped from their seats and headed to their rooms to get changed. Caroline got from her seat and walked over to the Mikaelson's table and told them to follow her to Ric's office.

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