Chapter 15

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Marianne hit the breaks, jolting her body first forward and then backward with a smack onto the seatback. "What? Where!?"

"What is your problem!?"

She pulled over to the side of the road. "Where did you see her?"

Lily had the gall to look baffled. "In my vision," she said slowly.

"Okay," Marianne attempted to say with some semblance of calm, "I'm going to give you one more chance to avoid getting strangled and having your body dumped in the woods. Tell me everything about what you saw."

"Alright alright crazy, chill out. You remember how I told you about seeing my dad in my house before when I was running?"

"Yes." Spit it out.

"Well, this time aunt Vee was there too."

Marianne sat back and let out a breath before getting the truck in gear and getting them back on the road.

"You don't believe me," said Lily, shaking her head bitterly.

"It's not that." Marianne tried to shake off the image of Lily's eyes, black as ink. "It's just..." she tried to gather her thoughts. "If your dad is there then you're looking into the past," and that tells me nothing about where she is now.

"She would have known my dad a long time ago but she looked like she does now. Does that mean anything?"

"Visions aren't always literal like you said before. It requires a lot of skill to see things as they actually happened and even more to see how they will happen. It sounds like you're probably picturing them the way they're the most familiar to you."

"That makes sense I guess. But what does it mean?"

"That'd be like trying to figure out the meaning of our dreams. It's not a science. Everything is filtered by our own unique perspectives."

"I wasn't dreaming."

"Now that I've seen you do it for myself, I agree with you."

She looked at Lily when she didn't say anything and caught her eyeing her warily.

"Really?" asked the girl.

"I can't say I know exactly how you're doing it or what it means but that is not what it looks like when someone's dreaming." Marianne gave a little shudder for emphasis, earning her a light elbow to the ribs from Lily.

"So what do we do?"

We? "About what?"

"How do I learn to control it?"

"How should I know?"

"I thought you were the expert. You're supposed to be teaching me how to control my magic."

"I'm supposed to be teaching you how to pass your MSAT, not stress trigger intuitive episodes."

"Great, so I'm on my own then?"

Marianne heaved a sigh. "Look, the only way to get better at magic is practice, right?"


"No, listen. We just do it again."

"I'm down for another midnight dance party," nodded Lily.

"Practicing once a month isn't going to cut it. I'm sure if you ask Petra, she'll tell you it took a while for her to be able to work with the air to make music like that."

"Is that what that was?"

"This is going to take forever if I have to explain every little thing to you. Can we just agree that all sound is vibrations in the air and some witches can use that?"

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