Chapter Ten:

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 **A/N: This chapter gets sexy. You've been warned.** 

     Through the windows of the carriage, the sparkling shores of Navira soon came into view. The couple had been traveling for a day and a half already, and Eulalie's legs ached to stretch, run, be free. 

     While she'd done a little bit of traveling in her childhood, she'd yet to explore every corner of the kingdom of Absalon, especially not Navira. The territory, despite its allure and beauty, had been plagued with resistance since before Alaric's father's reign. Grabbing onto the coattails of independence movements that have been sparking up all across the continent, Navirans had been begging the government for independence and autonomy for centuries. These years of tumult have converted this once Edenic region into a hotbed for violence.

     The perfect spot for a honeymoon.

     As unorthodox as it may seem as a sight for a belated honeymoon, to Eulalie, she loved the idea of exploring the famous coasts and hills of the Naviran countryside. She and Alaric had selected the location for diplomatic purposes. By selected the royal family's long-forgotten country estate in Navira, they displayed favor on the region, giving hope to its residents that this new generation of royals would bring hope and reform.

     To Eulalie's secret delight, however, the Queen Mother refused to step foot in the area. The couple would be here for three weeks before making their way back to the capital. In the meantime, the court would move to Navira, where Eulalie and Alaric would still be making the decision making for the kingdom, but they have asked their courtiers advisers to manage the more manageable, menial tasks. 

     That meant three whole weeks without Violet, three weeks without any lists, and three weeks spending time with her husband. Eulalie was ecstatic, and she couldn't wait to explore.

     The carriage pulled onto a road that cut through the city, and she saw the streets lined with people. Despite her excitement at being there, many of the Navirans that stood alongside the roads had grim, unhappy faces, and they seemed to be staring straight at Eulalie. "They don't appear to be very pleased," Eulalie said, turning to Alaric.

     Alaric, who continued waving within the windows of the carriage, a forced smile on his face, assured her. "They will come to love you, my dearest. The Navirans are just a fickle lot. They may just need more time to warm up to you." 

     That seemed to calm Eulalie's nerves, and she returned to her own window and waved back at the people, turning a blind eye to their calloused glances. Before either of them knew it, they had arrived at their temporary lodgings. A few days before, staff and servants both from the palace and from the surrounding area had cleaned up the old country manor and prepared it for the arrival of the court.

     Muriel, who was afraid to travel beyond the capital, had regretfully stayed behind. Eulalie's ladies would be hand-selected from the village, and she was excited to get to know some locals. She had been practicing her Naviran in the weeks leading up to the visit. Surprisingly, she seemed to have a head for languages. In the long hours preceding their arrival in the carriage, she had been going over Naviran literature and prose. Naviran wasn't all too different from their own colloquial tongue, so thankfully it wasn't so hard.

**A/N: sexy part**

      Arriving in their room, Eulalie immediately flopped onto the large bed in the center of the room. "Don't tell me you're too tired," Alaric teased, taking off his jacket and placing his satchel on the floor. 

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