Shot 5 (Last)

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The Next Day.

Akash woke up in the middle of the night to sleep on his bed was awaken by the sound of moving wheels and he stood up and saw Hari Prakash and his brothers moving Payal's suitcases out of the room.

Khushi got out of the walk-in closet and Akash looked at her with his messy hair and puffy eyes.

For a moment, Khushi felt sorry for him but her sister's pain over powered it and he looked at him in anger.

She then stretched her hand handing him a velvet box and a confused Akash opened it to find her nuptial necklace and ring.

He closed his eyes in pain knowing the meaning of this.

"The only things I took from here belongs to my sister....... Every gift gifted to her by you and this family including guests and friends of yours are all intactly safe in your closet and if you don't believe me.... Please go down to the garage and look through her stuffs before we leave...... And please cleaned up and come down now because you are about to realize how stupid you were for supporting your so called di. " Khushi said and was about to move out but stopped and turned back to him.

"Why...... Why did you get mad at my sister for supporting and taking care of me ....... If you can ignore her for your di and mother and take care of them..... Then why was it a sin for my sister to do so..... Since she married you, she had only been over to visit our parents only twice but your so called di has been living here since she got married....... She has always fulfilled the whims of your gold digging mother and taken care of you and this whole family at the expense of her suffering and yet she never complained or asked for a reward...... So why did you hurt her. " Khushi asked but got no response from a crying Akash and she shook her head and left the room.

After washing and changing, Akash came down to see Sheetal with packed bag and a crying Aarav trailing behind and he felt so disgusted of them that he looked away.

His mother had bags under her eyes and he knew she had cried.

Next was his Dadi who seems to have aged overnight and most shocking was her puffy eyes and wondered why she cried.

Anjali stood there looking sadly at Sheetal and Aarav and turned to see MR and Mrs ASR all dressed up making her fume in anger.

She limped closer to them with a file in her hand.

"Chote..... You can't kick Sheetal and Aarav. " Anjali said.

"And why is that Mrs Jha. " Khushi asked with a smirk on her face which annoyed Anjali but she didn't mind her.

She took a deep breath and turned to look at her family.

"It's because Aarav is chote's son. "

This shocked Akash and Nani who didn't know yet.

Akash turned to his mother whom from the look on her face seems to know and he marched up to her and stood in front of her.

"You knew.... You knew all this. " Then he realised something. "So that was why he was ordering my wife around because he thought he owned the house and Sheetal parade around as if she owned this place because she was secretly plotting on becoming bhai's wife....... So does that means that story you made up was all a lie...... All of this was nothing but a conspiracy to ruin bhai's marriage." Akash realized and covered his mouth in shock.

NK moved closer to Akash slapping.

"Wow Akash..... You finally have brains to think. " NK said sarcastically and Akash bowed his head in guilt and shame. "Where was that brain when Payal bhabhi needed you to use it!?....... Where was it when you mother abused Payal bhabhi!?...... Where was it when it was needed for critical thinking which would have save your marriage!?...... Shame on you Akash....... Shame on you. " NK concluded.

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