Chapter 1

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Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop. I watched the red liquid leave my arm and fall unto the floor of my bathroom. 24. That's how many lines I added to my collection today. Each one bringing me a sense of relief. Each a reminder that I still feel pain. That I'm still alive.
The problem with all this, is don't like the fact I'm alive. My mind has corrupted me into believing of a world that isn't full of heartache and disappointment. I didn't get a manual telling me that I was going to be the disappointment or that I would be the reason as to why no one likes me.
Blinking back the tears, I put down my blade as carefully as possible not wanting to damage it on to the sink. I already had a rag set out so there would be no evidence of my actions. I sat down in the corner of my bathroom and broke. I broke into a mess of tears and blood; wishing that there was a reason for me to keep going.
I have no friends. My single mother hates me. Even I hate me. Every Time I look in a mirror or feel a slight bit of happiness, I am reminded that I am not and will not ever be pretty. I will never be worth someones time. Besides who would want to help or even like someone that slits cuts into her skin to feel alive?
I'm fucked up. I know.
"Ugly" I know...
"Slut" I know...
"No one will ever love you" I know..
" Bitch" I know...
"Fat" I know...
"Why do you even try anymore?"
That is something I don't know. But please don't sweat yourself. I'll end it all soon. When I'm not weak, when I can stand up to the bottle of pills and pore them into my hand, when I can find the guts to put them in my mouth and swallow. Then you won't have to waste your breath on me. I wouldn't want to spend my time wasting it either.

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